How to represent your ‘buyer’ persona or ideal buyer

Companies are looking not only for their target audience but also for their buyer person. It is a representation of a fictional character representing the average customer.

It is a detailed outline of who exactly is the person who researches, buys and shares the product / service in question. In addition, it serves to know the buyers in depth and also to have a closer approach to the real problems that they may suffer, and, therefore, it will help us to achieve better results.

But how do we get to it? What steps must be followed to draw the ideal buyer? Leadin, an agency specializing in the implementation and programming in HubSpot, analyzes the five keys that must be taken into account to draw the “buyer person”.

The first thing to keep in mind is that its creation is completed in the strategic phase. In this way, it is guaranteed that all the content, design, follow-up of sales opportunities and, ultimately, any activity of the marketing plan that is going to be carried out is already thought for an ideal client.

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And it is that, according to published studies, having an identified “buyer person” supposes, among other things, a 900% increase in visit duration to the website. Similarly, it represents a 171% growth in revenue generated from marketing, a 111% increase in the email open rate, and a 100% increase in the number of pages visited.

1. Survey among customers

One of the first keys that must be taken into account is to carry out a survey among the company’s current clients. “This will help us to establish tastes, preferences or even possible problems to correct”. In addition, they add «Typical questions: What stops them from buying? What motivates them when purchasing a product or service? Or, for example, what are your consumption habits? among others, they contribute to the creation of our buyer persona ».

2 In-depth interview with five profiles

Once the survey has been carried out with the general preferences of the clients, it is necessary to analyze in a more exhaustive way five specific profiles to have a qualitative approach. Thus, according to Leadin, there is a more “face-to-face” vision on the most particular problems.

3. Synergies with the sales department

The goal is to learn from the sales department. Those in charge of this department at the end of the day are the ones who interact the most with users, therefore, the information they can provide us on customer behavior is invaluable. “All members of the organization must really understand the most common problems -and day-to-day- experienced by the people to whom they wish to offer products / services”, Leadin points out.

4. Review of the company chat and last forms received

Carrying out an exhaustive history of the customer service channels is an essential step when developing the “buyer persona”. The company’s customer service chat, the latest forms received and even the suggestion and complaint box provide key information to take into account. Through the analysis of this type of interaction elements, it will be possible to discern the defining characteristics of customers, their claims, tastes and preferences, among others.

5. Survey on LinkedIn

Finally, launching a survey on LinkedIn will also make it easier to cover that target audience and thus be able to create a more defined profile of the buyer persona. Once all the information extracted after completing these five steps has been collected “A document must be prepared where the most relevant data about the client will be grouped, such as demographic data, fears, objectives or the main challenges pursued”, Leadin emphasizes.

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