If you have a guest WiFi network on your router, don’t make this terrible mistake

An option that we can use in most routers is to create a guest network. This means that we are going to create a Wi-Fi network parallel to the main one and to which people who go to our house will be able to connect. It will have a different name, we can create another password for it, etc. However, there are certain mistakes that many make and in this article we are going to talk about it. We are going to focus on the main error, but we will also name others.

Main failure when creating a guest Wi-Fi network

Without a doubt, the most important mistake when configuring a Wi-Fi network, whether or not it is a guest network, is not using password or use a weak one. And that the truth is that a lot happens when creating a Wi-Fi for guests. We think that it does not matter to put any key, something simple for our guests to connect but it is a major problem.

Although we think that what matters is the main network, if we create another one and leave it unprotected, it can be used for intruders to enter. In addition, we may forget to deactivate that network and it will be available beyond the time that visitors are in our home. That can get anyone in.

What does it mean to create a weak key for a guest Wi-Fi network? Something common is not even to put a password, but even if we do put it, it is common to put some simple word. This can mean that a hypothetical intruder can enter through brute force, trying the most frequent passwords to access.

Other common mistakes

But beyond the password itself, another common mistake is not using a good encryption for that key. Using old ciphers can be almost like using no key at all. For example we talk about WPA or WEP, which are obsolete. An attacker with the necessary knowledge could launch attacks against those passwords if you use weak encryption. Our advice is to use the most current ones, such as WPA-2 or WPA-3.

Although we have discussed it briefly, another flaw is keep that network of guests indefinitely. Ok, as long as you meet the security requirements nothing should happen. Now, do you really need to have that network enabled all the time? What you can do is enable it only when you are going to receive visits. The objective is to reduce the options as much as possible so that an intruder can enter.

We can also say that another error is trust your guests. It is true that the normal thing is that they connect to use WhatsApp, social networks and little else. Now, can they use your connection for something illegal? Think, for example, of pirated content downloads. You can always control the use of the connection. You can set a parental control, for example.

One more mistake that we can mention is that of not changing the password of that account for guests. Maybe at one point you allow someone to connect, but that person could use the key in the future without your permission or even give it to other people. Therefore, changing the password from time to time is a good idea. It is one more way to protect your Wi-Fi router.

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