If you pay by card online, this simple change will save you trouble

Buying online is very common nowadays. We simply access a page such as Amazon, choose the product and click to pay. Using a bank card to make payments is the most common, although we can also use other means such as PayPal or even Bizum. In this article we will focus on the online card payment. We are going to show you a simple change that you can make to avoid having any security problems.

Use virtual cards to pay online

When you pay online you can simply use a credit card that you use in your day to day, from traditional banks. You put the number, the CVV code and make the payment. Sometimes you may have to enter a code that you receive by SMS or in the application. The problem? Although this is generally very safe, your data could end up in the wrong hands. They could have previously attacked that page where you are buying or even be on a fake platform.

To reduce the risk, what you can do is use virtual cards. They are independent cards from the main one that you can use in physical stores and you will simply use them for online payments. In many cases your own bank will offer you this type of additional card.

It is not a physical card that you can carry with you in your pocket, but basically a different number that you will be able to see through the bank’s application or when entering the website. It will have a different CVV code, a different expiration date, etc. It’s really like having another add-on card.

The advantage is that in case of theft you will not expose your main card. In addition, you can recharge these types of virtual cards with the amount you want. For example, if you are going to buy something on Amazon that costs €30, you simply put €30 on that card and make the payment. When you go to buy something else, you recharge and that’s it. If someone stole the number, they could not take money from you since there is nothing directly. They are the safest cards to buy online.

General advice when paying online

Beyond the recommendation to use virtual cards to buy online, we also want to give some general advice so as not to have problems. One of them, surely the most important, is the common sense. Be careful where you make a payment or what information you give. It is essential that you always enter through official pages or applications and never pay through links that you receive by email or social networks.

It is also convenient have the device protected. A good antivirus will help you avoid problems. In the event that you receive malware, for example if you download a fake file by mistake, the antivirus will detect it and automatically delete it. There are many options, but you should always choose one that is guaranteed and that works well.

In addition, it is convenient to have updated system. Especially programs like the browser, it is important that you fix any vulnerabilities that may exist. This will help you avoid attacks and pay online with complete security.

As you can see, using virtual cards is a good idea to avoid security problems when buying something online. They are easy to use and most banks offer them in addition to the normal physical card.

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