If you use PayPal for your purchases, beware of this new deception

False invoices to scam by PayPal

Keep in mind that hackers are always perfecting their techniques and using new methods to steal information, passwords or sneak malware. However, we can take into account certain recommendations to avoid attacks. In this case what they do is use false invoices to scam by PayPal.

Sellers can generate invoices and send them to customers. In this way they can pay for a product they have bought or a service they have contracted. But those invoices could be fake and PayPal doesn’t really check when it’s a scam or genuine. What the attackers do is create invoices that are fake and send them to the victim to send money to other accounts.

The type of scam is common: the attacker sends a email requesting payment Of something. For example, an alleged purchase by Amazon, a debt with the telephone company, etc. They use typical messages such as “Here is your invoice”, “Updated purchase invoice” and the like.

Logically, to make them look real, the attackers are going to make that invoice an exact copy of another that could be real. They will impersonate a real company, such as Amazon, as well as use real names and data. But of course, in the end the scam is that they are going to put a false PayPal address where the victim is going to have to make the payment.

How to avoid these attacks

So, what can we do to avoid being victims of false invoices that arrive through PayPal? Of course, the most important thing is the common sense and don’t make mistakes. Never pay an invoice that comes to you by this means, unless you know 100% that it is real and you expect it to be sent to you. Even if the Amazon logo appears or if you have recently bought something through that platform, avoid paying an invoice of this type.

In case you have any doubts, the ideal is contact directly with that company or the seller where you have bought something that, supposedly, you have to pay by PayPal through that invoice. Of course, never contact through a supposed e-mail that comes in that invoice that you receive, since it could really be a scam.

Also, when you go to pay by PayPal you should always go directly to the official website of the platform or the application you use for the mobile. Avoid paying through links, as they could lead you to maliciously created pages just to rip you off. On the official platform you can also see if there is any invoice pending payment.

In short, as you can see, it is possible that they send you false PayPal invoices to try to steal from you. It is important that you always maintain common sense and avoid problems. There are different methods to steal from PayPal and this is one of them.

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