Instagram grows 66% in 2022 and slows the rise of TikTok

The influencer marketing is booming and exceeds its records year after year. It is estimated that its growth will be between 30 and 40% compared to 2021. During the summer, some of the trends that had already been observed since the start of the pandemic, such as showexperiences and festivals of music, not only have they established themselves in the sector, but everything indicates that they will continue to increase their relevance in the coming years.

According to the “Digital 2022” study, prepared by Hootsuite and We Are Social, the use of social networks increases every year, in time and degree of connectivity. The data shows that in Spain there are already 40.7 million users of social networks, who spend almost two hours a day on them. It is also interesting to observe that, from the age of 13, 98.7% of Internet users use social networks, so everything points to an increase in the average time of use by users.

The experts at Digital Embassy, ​​a native digital consultancy, analyze the most popular influencer marketing actions of the summer, analyzing the three trends that will set the course for the sector in the coming months.

“Showexperiences”, where do they come from and where do they go?

The showexperiences are immersive events for influencers. As a pioneer in Spain, BrandVillage has been held on the island of Ibiza for five consecutive years, following a clear objective: ensure the creation of content from an ethical point of view, following the highest standards of sustainability and healthy living habits. In the last edition, held this summer, they managed to reach 1,300 publications, which were read by 10.2 million users and had an impact on 25 million people.

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From Digital Embassy they indicate that it is one of the most notable trends of the summer, and that it will continue to boom in the coming years, together with the greater awareness of users and influencers regarding the use of products that respect the environment and well-being.

Instagram will continue to gain relevance

Despite the fact that some predicted the end of Instagram after the rise of TikTok, it is only gaining relevance in the digital ecosystem. So much so that, according to the IAB Annual Study of Social Networks 2022, of 53% of Spanish users who follow influencers, 74% do it on Instagram.

In addition, Instagram continues to gain users unstoppably, with an expected growth of 66% in 2022 compared to the previous year, managing to match YouTube.

Music festivals, the must of the summer

Over the course of the summer, music festivals have positioned themselves as the star place to be seen. In fact, many of the best-known influencers in our country, Paula Gonu, Mery Turiel, Susana Bicho and Marta Soriano, have approached some of them, invited by brands or promoting some of the products in their stories, such as outfits. , sun creams or drinks, among others.

In this sense, from BrandVillage they explain that “influencers are becoming more aware and tend towards products and brands that are in line with their values. The trend they will follow is to go towards the real. Before nobody went to the supermarket thinking if the shampoo container is sustainable or its natural components, now the younger generations do it by default”. In addition, Azahara Ramos, CEO and founder of the native digital consulting firm, Digital Embassy, ​​has assured that “Although some organizers do it well, others have turned these experiences into events in which only the party and the delay matter. These kinds of purposeless experiences won’t get you far.”

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