Is it illegal to share Netflix password? In the United Kingdom they have thought about it

A few years ago, when Netflix was landing in Spain, we asked one of its managers what he thought about encouraging users to share passwords to access multiple people to the same profile, and his answer clearly reflected his astonishment, since he did not understand the reason a user would want to do that. Time obviously proved us right. Sharing Netflix keys It is something that is part of the daily life of many families, but surely more than one has wondered, is it illegal to do so?

sharing is ok

Netflix may be looking for new strategies to increase its market share due to pressure from competitors, but something that cannot be denied is that the giant is today the reference in the world of streaming. But of course, to get to where it has come, it has also taken advantage of a trend that fell particularly well among users: sharing the access code to the service.

Friends and family from all over the world share netflix keys to access the service for free or sharing the costs. This has allowed the share of subscribers to the service to rise like foam, but at some point it could come to an end.

We expected Netflix itself to start giving your first steps limiting IPs, controlling access control and implementing security measures with which to control this practice, and although the first related measures are already beginning to sound, what we did not expect is that an organization in favor of intellectual property would rule on the matter. Now that is surprising.

In the United Kingdom they have thought about it

Everything comes from a publication made by the Intellectual Property Office that torrentfreak recently detected. The post in question was a guide on piracy that reviewed all those actions related to intellectual property and the consumption of streaming content that is considered illegal, and where some points were discussed such as using images from the Internet on social networks, offering access to first-run movies, posting videos of live sporting events or, be careful, share the password of streaming services.

The statements are quite surprising, since they would confirm that sharing the password with a friend would be identified as illegal. For that reason, TorrentFreak decided to ask the agency directly, who responded without doubting that the recommendations were correctand that they considered that the action of sharing passwords affects a series of provisions of the penal and civil code, since the action allows a user to access copyrighted content without paying.


But hours later everything has changed. UK Intellectual Property Office website has modified the guide and has completely removed the reference to the action of sharing the password of streaming services. We imagine because the person who had written that guide had not thought about how implicit this action is in the daily life of people.

Therefore, it seems that for the moment everything has been misunderstood, but we can understand that this point of view exists, so that somehow this could be officially established sooner or later, and something tells us that companies streaming companies will be very much in favor of supporting it.

Via: torrentfreak

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