Is self-employment the job profile of the worker of the future?

As they tell us from Shakers, the ExOs companies and the famous “unicorns” have a common attribute to achieve exponential growth: its teams are not numerous and the role of collaborating with teams has been fundamental in order to achieve its objectives freelancing. Working with on-demand or freelance teams has become a lever to scale and grow businesses.

Having professional freelance teams allows companies to commit to innovation and superspecialization, not so much as substitutes for the employees of a company, but rather looking for achieve a hybrid workforce that allows them to grow and scale quickly in the short term, and to generate greater profits in the future.

The core team handles the “routine” tasks that keep the business alive. While the freelance team allows them to innovate and develop strategic projects thanks to their super specialization and technical knowledge.

How are these workers of the future, that is, of today?

According to a study carried out by Shakers, 95% value how aligned they feel with the project before working on it. Of this percentage, 72% confirm that they would not work on a project that does not fit their values.

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  • Most freelance profiles have a remuneration higher than the average salary in a company for the same position. They can receive 50% more than what they would receive working as an employee.
  • 84% would be willing to work with larger companies if they worked with freelance professionals. Héctor Mata, one of the founders of Shakers, comments that his platform precisely enables a collaborative work environment that brings together freelance professionals and large international companies and consultants.
  • They value geographic mobility and, on average, spend at least one month away from your usual location of residence working.
  • Most have previous experience in companies, with an average of five years. They embark on their professional adventure alone having tried what work for others is. “Within our network of professional freelancers, many come from former consulting firms or from tech startups such as Cabify or McKinsey.”, comments Héctor de Shakers.
  • The most repeated profiles The design and creativity sectors work (UX/UI designers, graphics), digital marketing (growth hackers, paid media specialists, CRM, SEO, SEM, community manager), web developers and data professionals (back, front, full stack programmers , data analyst, digital consulting, project management, immersive technologies (AR, VR, XR), communication and business consulting, among others.
  • The conciliation is a concern for many. Women and men with children at an early age, sports fans or new entrepreneurs find in this work model a way of working that allows them to combine and reconcile their personal life or hobbies with their profession.
  • The preference for medium-sized cities as a place of residence is growing. Although Madrid and Barcelona continue to be the focus of concentration of digital professionals, since the pandemic medium-sized cities with good weather and average prices such as Malaga, Valencia or Seville have become more important, which are receiving more and more digital nomads. Also in the Canary Islands or Ibiza.
  • 92% of freelancers are satisfied with their work and the impact it has. They typically work on projects that they feel have a positive impact, being able to choose which projects they get involved with.
  • When it comes to getting the projects, they use the recommendations of other clients or obtain them thanks to their membership or affiliation with a community. 95% believe that it is useful to train part of a community. In this sense, Shakers is one of the platforms that has grown its network of freelancers and companies the most.
  • Among the most repeated problems is the lack of stability. On average, freelance projects last between 3 and 6 months, and although the recurrence rate is high, it is not guaranteed. The acquisition of new clients can take time away from execution and payments can be irregular.
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