When Sir. Jony Ive decided and proclaimed to the world that he was leaving Apple, there was some confusion and even fear as whoever had starred in the design of many iconic Apple products was leaving. But good old Ive didn’t leave because he was tired or had problems at Apple. He was going to start a new project, his own. His own design studio and many of us thought that Apple would be one of his perpetual customers. So it has been and so it is and its protagonist confirms it.

In the RE: WIRED event where Jony Ive participated, and more specifically in an interview with Anna Wintour from Vogue, he confirmed that he is still working with Apple. It was during the event called “Designing for the future we want to inhabit.” From his study LoveForm has confirmed this news and many others from his past at Apple and with Steve Jobs. In the interview he had a very special memory for Steve Jobs. The one he fondly remembers and with whom he used to spend great times and take long walks where they came up with the best ideas. One of them, the iPod that for Jony Ive marked a before and after:

I think what really marked the iPod it was the beginning of the creation of much more specific products and devices

Now, it is not that he has elaborated much in relation to his relationship with Apple. You have confirmed that you work for / with her but did not want to reveal in which specific projects he has worked or in which he has extended his hand as a renowned designer and that has led Apple to the top of the mountain where it has not been lowered for a long time.

We already know that Jony Ive works with Ferrari now, but he has also done so with Airbnb, Amazon Collective, Moncler, among many others. Renowned and reputable companies that makes Ive’s track record stand out. That’s why he was a guest at the Wired event.