Like Paint, this tool changes its design in Windows 11

If something stands out about the new Windows 11 it is the roundness obsession. That’s not a bad thing, as it gives the entire operating system a necessary breath of fresh air and makes applications appear much more native. As we saw with the Paint application and the Photos viewer, which now have their icons and rounded menus, now it is the turn of the well-known Windows snipping tool. Tool that, in addition to an aesthetic change, also brings another important change.

A new tool to join «Snipping and Annotation» and «Snipping Tool»

Windows 11 users will soon be able to get their hands on the new Windows Snipping Tool: Snipping Tool. This new tool will unite the two snipping tools that currently exist in Windows 10, into one, adding their functions and maintaining the name of the most veteran tool.

As we have seen, the new tool will use the same interface as the current “Snipping and annotation”, adding the Snipping Tool functions. It is a strange move since, if we have used Snipping Tool in Windows 10 in recent years we will have seen a message that informs you of your end of support and recommends making the jump to Clipping and Annotation.

Entering the renewal of the program, the first thing we will see will be how the icons and menus have been updated according to the new Windows 11 design. When going to take a screenshot, the controls will now appear at the top of the screen, from where they will be more accessible to users. When making a cut, the screen will be darkened to be able to select much better the part that we want to save. And, when saving the file, we can choose between several formats, such as JPEG or PNG. We can also retouch the cut according to our needs. And finally, in Windows 11 it is no longer necessary to save the capture, but we can paste it into any other program directly from the clipboard.

Coming soon in Windows 11

At the moment, this new tool is not yet available. However, Windows 11 Insider users may have a first contact with her very soon. This new tool will surely come to us with the next Windows 11 Insider build, just like the new Paint. But at the moment, it is not safe.

Windows 11 continues its development. Although Microsoft has not yet confirmed the launch date of the new operating system, the latest leaks suggest that it will arrive between the months of October and November of this year. Also, of course, it will be a totally free update for those who already have a genuine Windows 10 license.

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