Looking for a different Linux? Discover these Arch-based distros

Manjaro Linux

This distro is one of the best known Arch alternatives that we can find. This system focuses on reducing the difficulty curve of this distro without losing its essence, starting with the installation process. For starters, it has a Calamares-based installer that makes it possible for any user, even without having much knowledge of Linux, to install and start it up without much trouble.

We can find Manjaro standard with 3 different desktops: KDE Plasma, GNOME and XFCE. However, if we want to use a different desktop, it is also possible to find versions created by the community adapted to use other less known desktops, such as i3, bspwn or Budgie, among others.

If you want to give this alternative to Arch Linux a try, from its website you can download Manjaro for free.


With BlackArch we go from one extreme to the other. While Manjaro is an accessible distro for any user who has not had previous experience with advanced Linux systems, BlackArch seeks to offer users an advanced, or most comprehensive distro possible, focused on computer security.

This distro comes to be Arch’s Kali Linux, a distro that includes more than 2,700 security tools as standard so that any hacker, researcher or analyst can have everything they need at their fingertips. It uses AUR software repositories, to be able to download and install the programs we install, and, thanks to Pacman, we have one of the best package managers to have total control over the system.

We can download BlackArch from their website for free.


This distro, formerly known as ArchMerge, is not one of the best known that we can find. However, it is one of those that has a more loyal community, and that is, once they try it, few migrate to other alternatives.

We can find 3 different versions of this particular Linux, depending on what we are looking for:

  • ArcoLinux: the standard edition. It comes with Xfce desktop and comes with all the packages and programs chosen by the developers.
  • ArcoLinuxD: the minimal edition. It includes a script so that users can choose which desktop and applications they want to install.
  • ArcoLinuxB: allows you to customize the system installation. It includes as standard desktops Awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin, GNOME, MATE and KDE Plasma, as well as a large amount of software. Of course, unlike the normal edition, it is not installed by default.

Its developers make available to users a series of videos and resources thanks to which we can learn to install, configure and use this distro.

From here we can download ArcoLinux for free to give this distro a try.


Although we may not have heard of her, EndeavorOS is one of the most popular distros today, ranking second in DistroWatch’s ranking as the most popular distros. It offers us a very fast and stable distribution, maintaining the Arch philosophy of minimalism and customization.

Users can choose, during installation, the desktop and the packages they want to install to keep as minimalism as possible and be free of bloatware. In addition, we can choose between a simple system, or use the color palette and icons chosen by its developers to have a beautiful system, as well as stable and fast.

We can download EndeavorOS for free from this link to their website.


If what we are looking for is customization, RebornOS is one of the Arch-based distros that offer us the most. This system has gained great popularity due to the fact that it comes standard with a total of 13 different desktops and more than 30 features. And we can choose what we want, or do not want, from the installation wizard. In this way, we can keep our system as small and minimalist as possible.

Thanks to this distro we will be able to have our own Arch Linux easy and simple to use. A great option to consider if we like the concept presented by this distro, but we don’t want complications. https://drlauryn.com/

We can download the RebornOS system from your page.

Chakra Linux

This operating system is also one of the simplest systems to use. Chakra It is not one of the best known that we can find on the net, but it is considered an «Easy Arch» by the community. Unlike other systems, where the free choice of packages and desktops stand out above all, this one only relies on KDE and Qt with an attempt to demonstrate their potential.

Chakra has a semi-rolling release development model, allowing users to always receive the latest versions of desktops and applications, but not of the system as such.

We can download this system from the Chakra Linux Sourceforge repository.

Parabola GNU / Linux-libre

Parable seeks to offer a balance between ease of use and a pure Arch experience. But, the most important thing is that this distro is created from scratch, starting from Arch’s source code, and offering the user the possibility of replacing any of the packages that make it up. It has a large community always ready to help, and, as a curious fact, it comes with all network functions disabled by default, although we can activate them very easily.

We can get this distribution from the Parabola website.

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