My Wi-Fi router was misplaced, I removed these obstacles and now it works better

Positioning the router well is essential

Everything that surrounds the router can negatively affect the wireless connection. For example, other devices that are nearby, walls or walls, metal plates… It is therefore essential to place the device correctly in a place from which it correctly emits a wireless signal to other devices.

electronic devices nearby

One of the problems that can cause the router to fail is having other electronic devices nearby. For example, a television or any device that uses Bluetooth, since it works on a frequency close to 2.4 GHz and can cause interference. Even a microwave could do quite a bit.

It is best to place the router as far as possible from other devices. On the one hand you will avoid interference, but you can also prevent it from overheating. Especially in the summer months, having another device nearby can cause the router’s temperature to rise and have micro-outages.

Walls and metal plates

Of course, you should also move the router away from walls and walls. This can block the signal and prevent it from reaching the devices that we are going to connect correctly. You can have major problems if you have a fairly thick wall nearby. It is not good that you put it in a corner, next to the wall, for example.

But also anything that is metallic can affect the performance of the wireless network. If, for example, you have a metal piece of furniture, a metal plate or anything similar, that can cause the signal to weaken. Don’t put anything like that close.

It’s covered by other things

In this case we are talking about anything that the router may be covering. For example put books on top, put around boxes or any objective that does not allow the signal to be distributed correctly. All this is going to affect and it is going to cause that the coverage does not go as far and you have worse speed.

Avoid putting anything around the router. This device should be as isolated as possible, with enough space to cool down and there is nothing blocking the signal. It is true that you will always have things nearby and we cannot avoid having walls, but we can at least have the situation under control and try to make the network work as well as possible.

very isolated location

Although we can’t really talk about obstacles directly in this case, we can talk about distance. If you place the router in a remote place from where you really need the connection, that will make the signal weak and you will not be able to connect normally. This is what happens if you put it in a corner of the house and you need to connect at the other end.

Ideally, the router should be in a central location in the house. In this way it will be able to emit a better signal and you will be able to connect without so many problems. If you need it, you can always put it near where you are going to connect.

In short, all this must be taken into account to connect to the Internet and not have problems. Avoid obstacles that could affect the router and thus get the signal to reach better. You can always use good repeaters to improve the wireless network.

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