Numerous Google, Amazon and Apple employees quit to engage in cryptocurrency

Many Google, Amazon and Apple employees are turning to the cryptocurrency industry. Following the example of Jack Dorsey, many are resigning from a high paying job to build web 3.0.

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Cryptocurrencies are on the rise. Thanks to the explosion in the price of Bitcoin, which has settled beyond $ 40,000 after a breakthrough to $ 69,000, and most altcoins, the digital asset market has just exceeded $ 3 trillion valuation. Driven by successive announcements from large companies such as Visa, PayPal or MicroStrategy, cryptocurrencies are increasingly adopted by the general public and institutional investors.

Digital currencies are also appealing, according to New York Times survey employees of tech giants like Apple, Google or Amazon. Evidence in support, the media affirms that a “Wave of executives and engineers” are currently leaving high-paying jobs at GAFAM to join companies in the cryptocurrency industry.

Like Jack Dorsey, these employees quit their tech jobs to join the crypto world

The New York Times interviewed several engineers who turned their backs on a job that paid more than $ 100,000 a year to get into cryptoassets. “There is a giant appeal coming from cryptocurrencies. It’s a bit like the 1990s and the birth of the Internet all over again. It’s so early, so chaotic and so full of opportunities ”, explains Sridhar Ramaswamy, a former executive at Google.

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Not all executives who turn to the cryptocurrency realm are motivated by the bait of gain. According to the New York Times, many believe that the crypto sector, with the emergence of NFTs in particular, will revolutionize the web. All of these revolutions are referred to as “web 3.0”. In this context, employees are keen to participate in the revolution that is brewing.

By way of example, the article points to the recent shift made by Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter. After announcing his resignation as CEO at Twitter, the entrepreneur renamed his start-up Square to Block, an obvious reference to Blockchain technology. With Block, he aims in particular to launch a decentralized exchange platform and to produce machines for mining Bitcoin.

Source: New York Times

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