Ómicron: Japan detects first contagion in a traveler from Namibia

This Tuesday, the Government of Japan announced the detection of the first case of contagion by the omicron variant of the coronavirus in its territory, in a person who arrived in the country from Namibia; Also from today Japan prohibits the entry into its territory of all travelers foreign coming from other countries, so that only Japanese citizens and foreigners already settled in the country who have traveled abroad and return can access their territory.

These new restrictions They reverse the flexibility that had begun to be applied three weeks ago, and that allowed access to the country of Travellers business people, students and others with visas of short and medium duration that have been suspended again.

Japan closes mass vaccination centers

Japan closed its two mass vaccination centers that had been operating for six months in Tokyo and Osaka, after applying two million doses to them and with 76.9% of their entire population vaccinated with the complete schedule throughout the country.

The two centers located in the main cities of the country began to operate last May with a daily capacity of 10,000 patients, and were installed by the Japanese Executive and the Self-Defense Forces (army) in order to accelerate the vaccination process on Japan.

Since then two million doses have been applied in these facilities, which added to the vaccines administered in health centers and at the initiative of Business has allowed the country to approach 77% of its population vaccinated with the full guideline in these six months, according to the latest available data.

“Today we have accomplished our work, and we closed the center of the mass vaccine and it was a joint effort of the private and public sectors, “according to the Japanese Minister of Defense, Nobuo Kishi, in statements in a ceremony held this Tuesday in the center of the Tokyo neighborhood of Otemachi.

The Japanese government has not yet finished the fight against Covid

The massive centers, which were also installed in other cities of the country, have served to apply the first and second doses of the vaccine, while the Japanese Executive plans to start inoculating with the third booster dose in December to priority groups such as the health personnel.

For now, the Japanese authorities have not indicated whether this type of facility will also be used to inoculate with the third dose to its entire population. “Now the new omicron strain has appeared and we have not finished the fight against Covid, so we will continue to monitor the situation,” Kishi said when asked by the media.

England reintroduces indoor masks

England reintroduced as of Tuesday the mandatory use of masks indoors, a rule that it had lifted in July, and will ask all travelers to stay isolated until they receive a negative result in a PCR test made two days after arrival in this country.

With the rise of the new omicron variant, the British Government has decided to extend the third booster dose of the coronavirus vaccine to all adults over 18 years of age, who will be able to request that injection three months after having received the second one.

The measures were announced yesterday by the head of Health, Sajid Javid, before the appearance of the omicron variant, which has been identified in -so far- 14 cases throughout the country. The first Minister, Boris Johnson, He called these new rules “proportionate and responsible” and considered that “they will buy us time before the new variant.”

In this changing context, the Scottish Minister for Health, Humza Yousaf, said today that Scotland has detected another three new cases of infected, with which there are nine confirmed in that region located in the areas of Lanarkshire, Greater Glasgow and Clyde.


Global threat: Omicron requires urgent action, G7 alert

Teens fear the new variant, Ómicron

Ómicron, up to 500 times more contagious than the original COVID-19 virus

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