Prime Offer: Xiaomi’s cat and dog feeder falls to record lows with a 58% discount

Do you have a small to medium size cat or dog? Have you been thinking about buying an automatic and intelligent feeder for a long time? Talk no more: we’ve got the perfect Prime Day deal for you. It turns out that one of the most elegant and popular models of recent times, the Xiaomi Smart Pet Food Feeder It has fallen in price suddenly and right now you can find it with a 58% discount.

The most elegant feeder on the market

We all know that pet feeders must be above all functional, but if they are also aesthetically attractive, then even better, don’t you think? And just the Xiaomi Smart Pet Food Feeder brings together those two features: It is a piece of equipment that works very well when it comes to feeding our beloved cat (which is the most important thing), but it also enjoys a rather attractive and minimalist appearance, perfect for placing anywhere in the house.

Compatible with grain of feed from 5 to 12 mm in diameter (in order to achieve smooth administration), the trough has a container of food grade 304 stainless steel that complies with all regulations on materials in contact with food as well as the feed compartment, the flexible silicone feed stirrer and the dispensing sheet.

The best thing about this equipment, which by the way looks clean and with hardly any visible compartments, is that it can be synchronized and controlled with the Xiaomi Mi Home app, so through your smartphone and from anywhere you can control the frequency and quantity of dispensing, giving you more peace of mind. you can even receive alerts on your mobile screen to remind you to refill the dispenser or even to feed your pet, thus ensuring that you never forget if you are caught away from home.

A device that even with its original price already qualifies as a very good purchase for its price/quality ratioso imagine how happy you can be now that you can buy it for less than half its cost.

All-time low for Prime Day

As you will already be imagining after reading all its features, this is one of those offers that you cannot miss. And it is that the Xiaomi Smart Pet Food Feeder just lowered its price by 58%staying at only 54.99 euros (its official price is 129.99 euros).

A unique opportunity that you can take advantage of for your small or medium-sized cat or dog, as long as you are a Prime user -in case you don’t have an account yet, remember that you can sign up and try it for 30 days for free and then pay for the subscription or unsubscribe without any commitment. If you make the purchase today, this Friday you can be premiering it at home.

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