Products you should NEVER use to clean your PC

When we talk about internal cleaning of the PC, most users tend to use a combination of compressed air (be careful with this, in other articles we have already warned you that it can be dangerous because it can move things around, etc.), brush and microfiber cloth, and normally this can be enough if it is not too dirty.

However, peripherals such as the keyboard and mouse or even the monitor, which we touch constantly, tend to pick up more dirt than the inside of the PC, and therefore you may often be tempted to use cleaning products… don’t do it. , and you’ll soon see why.

These products will harm your PC if you use them to clean

For many of you, the products that we are going to list below are obvious, but if we are making this list it is because we know that there are people who have used them, often with fatal consequences. So, it does not hurt to know what products you should never use to clean the PC or peripherals, so we go there with it.

Ammonia, bleach, vinegar, and household cleaners

He ammonia in particular it can be very useful for removing dirt and greasy residue, so many people may be inclined to use it on PC. However, this product is highly alkaline and believe it or not it will eat aluminum and other metals, so you should keep it away from your PC and peripherals unless you want to see its effects, out of curiosity. However, to save you this test, in the photo below you can see what happens to metals with prolonged exposure to ammonia.

On the other hand, the bleach it will cause the same effect on metals, with the added bonus that it will also damage some plastics, including the ABS plastic from which most PC cases, keyboards and mice are made. Be careful with that. For its part, vinegar is also frequently used to clean, but it is a tremendously acidic liquid that can also corrode metals, so don’t even think about trying to clean your PC with vinegar.

Finally, household cleaners are also usually quite acidic (even the ones that say they are PH neutral), and as you might already guess, they will also end up damaging your PC and peripherals, although it is true that this will generally occur more in the long run in comparison. with ammonia, vinegar or bleach.

Sanitary alcohol, glass cleaner or dishwasher

Sanitary alcohol is quite effective in cleaning dirt from the PC, especially from the peripherals and the monitor screen. However, it is too strong a type of alcohol that can corrode the screen and discolor your peripherals, so it is not recommended to use it. What you should use is isopropyl alcoholwhich is less strong and disinfects the same without damaging the plastics or the monitor screen.

Looking at the image above it will also occur to you that you should not put your devices under the tap, but in reality you can do it with some, such as the air cooler of the processor, as long as you make sure that it has dried completely before reassemble it. Leaving this aside, what you should not use is water with dishwashing soap (Fairy, Mistol, etc.), as some experts recommend… for the same reasons as the rest of the products we have seen so far.

Similarly, if your case has a tempered glass side you may be inclined to use glass cleaner. Ok, if you do it ONLY on the tempered glass there is no problem, but be careful that it does not splash onto anything else because it happens the same as with the previous products. Make sure you remove the glass for separate cleaning if you intend to use this product, and that it is completely dry before reassembling.

Toilet paper, tissues or other products made of paper

Although these are not cleaning agents, they are often what we use to spread the product or to rub and remove dirt. In this case, it is not that they are going to directly damage the PC or the peripherals, but because they are made of paper, as soon as they get a little wet they will tend to leave remains and detach parts, being able to get caught in undesirable areas of the equipment. .

To clean your PC, always, always use a microfiber clothIt is what gives the best results and what is least dangerous.

And what products CAN be used to clean the PC?

As we have already told you in this article and in many others, the PC and the peripherals need regular cleaning in order for them to function properly and to extend their useful life, but unfortunately it is not worth anything to do so because they are also delicate. Therefore, there is a specific list of products that you can use to clean your PC without any danger, although obviously using logic and reason (for example, although isopropyl alcohol is safe for electronic devices, it does not mean that you must flood them in it).

These products are:

  • Isopropyl alcohol (Isopropanol).
  • Micro fiber cloths.
  • Ear swabs for the most inaccessible areas (with great care that they do not leave traces).
  • Water with neutral soap (never dishwasher, and always leaving it to dry very well).

You can find isopropyl alcohol or Isopropanol in the drugstore area of ​​most shops, but to make it more comfortable for you, we have been using it for a while and it works great (it also lasts a long time, since it is a liter).

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