Seven out of 10 ecommerces fail before the third year

The digital business have experienced a great growth in recent years, especially thanks to the ecommerce boom, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, not all businesses are able to adapt to changing circumstances.

In fact, according to data from CBinsights, 70% of tech startups fail within 20 months to complete your first round. Additionally, according to data from MarketingSignance or Forbes, 90% of ecommerce fail before the first 120 days of life.

And this happens in many cases “For not knowing or being able to manage growth correctly, or for not understanding how to improve business profitability, what used to be worth is no longer enough in this global environment” as pointed out by Curro Abad, founder of Rolando.Digital, the Spanish comprehensive ecommerce management software equipped with robotics and AI, for ecommerce and marketplace sellers.

Maximize efficiency

“To be successful and profitable, online stores have to be able to maximize efficiency at every step of the chain and increase profitability in order to compete globally. In fact, currently only 50% of ecommerce is profitable. For this reason, at Rolando.Digital we were clear that process robotics and AI could help to significantly increase the profitability of each ecommerce order, which in this current environment is essential » says Abad.

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Rolando.Digital’s modular middleware solution is compatible with any SaaS, ERP, CMS and other business systems, it is capable of integrating all the needs of online stores in a single platform, which allows increase business profitability and know the different KPIs, as well as extract reports or graphs on the business situation.

All of this allows ecommerce and marketplaces to save an average of 800,000 euros per year with an average of a thousand orders per day, in the process of logistics management, orders, smart returns, catalog management, omnichannel, warehouse / stocks, customer service to the client or automatic control of invoices among others. And, in addition, to optimally face the growth and scalability of the business. «We provide all types of companies with a solution that allows them to work with the efficiency of the major players in all key aspects of the business » points out Inma Arjona, CEO of Rolando.Digital

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