Siri is not the worst virtual assistant and we will prove it to you

Siri was the first virtual assistant launched on the market, giving Steve Jobs a blow on the table again in terms of innovation, revolution and quality of its services. However, with the passage of time, Apple’s virtual assistant has lagged a bit behind previous generations. But Are you sure it’s behind? In this article we are going to see it.

Surely you did not know this about Siri

Siri can send just about anything you’re viewing. Its functions include the possibility of sending a Web page to another co-worker via the “Hey Siri, send this page to Antonio” command. However, this feature is only available for the Messages app. Also, from Siri, we can send files from native Apple applications, for example, Apple Musicwhere you can send any song or video clip and even to other messaging networks like WhatsApp.

You can send screenshots through Siri, through the command “Hey Siri, send this screenshot to Javi Zaldivar”. By default, as with web page links, Siri uses the Messages to send the images. He siri translator It also works great as you can ask Siri to translate any message for us from most countries. Not only does it allow you to translate your message, but it also makes a transcription of it.

Finally, you can ask Siri to I searched our iPhone from another Apple device, be it the Mac, iPad or Apple Watch. Immediately afterwards, a sound begins to play so that you can locate the device, in other words, it is like an AirTag, but with Siri. Likewise, the combination of Siri and AirTags is perfect, where you can ask Siri to search for any device that you have linked to the AirTag.

Siri, great friend of Safari and Reminders

Siri is smarter than you think and if you have one conversation with your friend or parents and you’re not sure of an answer, you can ask Siri to answer it. I searched for you. To do this, you can ask him to provide you with a series of photos from Safari or the web page where the doubt is stirred. For example: Hey Siri, is the Colosseum in Rome or Milan?

Another great function of Siri is when we are browsing Safari and you have seen a news from The Bitten Apple or news about the latest release of Apple TV+, but you can’t read it right now or want to read it later. You can ask Siri to save both links in the reminders app. In this way, you can send reminders the news that you can’t read now or want to read more carefully later.

You can also enhance this function of remembering from the email application from Apple, because if you have an email and want to read it later, you can tell Siri to remind you of the email in two hours or a couple of days. When that time has elapsed, you get a reminder and if you click on it, it takes you directly to the Mail application. In short, Siri is a better virtual assistant than you think and surely these features will make you see Siri with better eyes again, and you won’t be so envious of Alexa or Cortana.

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