
So you can have Apple News even if it is not in your country

Apple News is a completely free Apple news service that offers news personalized to your tastes and hobbies. Although the service is currently only available in a few countries (Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and United States), there are ways that you can enjoy this service even if you don’t live in any of these places. In this post we tell you how you can achieve it.

AppleNews It is a service that was created in 2015, but it is still not available in many countries, something that does not please all Apple users. However, there is a way to have this service from all your Apple devices. In order to get Apple News you must change the region you are in. Here we explain how you can do it on iPhone or iPad, Mac and Apple Watch.

So you can change the region on different Apple devices

  • Apple News on iPhone or iPad in unsupported countries: As we have said before, the only way to be able to enjoy Apple News from an iPhone or iPad is changing the region on your device to one of the four countries where the Apple News Service is available. Here are the steps you need to follow on your iPhone or iPad:
  1. Opens Settings on your device and tap General.
  2. Tap Language & Region.
  3. Now click on Region and choose one of four supported countries: Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, or United States.

The advantage of doing this is that you can keep the language on your device, so you don’t have to translate all the news. When you return to the home screen, you will see the Apple News icon. If you don’t see it, restart your iPhone or iPad. The drawback of doing this is that the subscriptions and the App Store can change, so pay attention to this small detail.

applenews ipad

  • Apple News on Mac in unsupported countries: It may surprise you, but Apple News is also available on the Mac. On Macs it works differently than on iPhones, but by changing the location you can also have Apple News. Follow these steps to get Apple News on your Mac:
  1. Enter the Applications folder inside Finder.
  2. press the keys Command + Shift + . (dot) to show hidden files.
  3. You will see the icon AppleNews something blurry
  4. Beam Double click to open the app.
  5. You may arrest her to desktop or dock to have it always visible.
  • Apple News on Apple Watch in unsupported countries: With Apple Watch it is much easier to change the region, since the vast majority duplicate the settings of your iPhone. This means that when you change the region of the iPhone, it will be automatically changed on your Apple Watch and you will also have this service on your watch.


Right now this is the only way to get apple news in a country that is not one of the four in which this service is enabled. This is something that many users do not like, since after so many years of activity, the list of countries could be extended. In the meantime, you will have to change the region to be able to enjoy Apple News.

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