On the Internet we can find information of all kinds. This also includes personal information and is not always limited to famous people. It is possible that if you put your name on Google, pages appear where you leave for some reason. Perhaps because you have been part of a sports club, an association, for academic reasons, at work… In this article we are going to tell you what you can do to see if someone is looking for you on the Internet.
Although there is no exact thing to tell you if they have searched for you or not, yes you can use some methods to get an idea. It is possible that someone, for some reason, has searched for your name on Google or through social networks. Perhaps to know about you, to find some information related to your work, etc.
Check if someone has searched for you on the net
In Internet they can search for you in several ways. The most common is that they simply put your name and surname. They could also put your ID, email, phone number… You can even try yourself with what we mentioned, to check what personal information may be on the network.
Create a Google Alert
One way to know if they are looking for you on the Internet is to create a google alert. Through the Google Alerts page, which is a feature that they created in 2019, first for some countries, and that little by little has been growing. It’s not exact, it’s not something that tells you how many times you’ve been searched or who did it, but it does give you an idea.
What Google Alerts allows is to put your full name and generate an alert that comes to you by mail from time to time to know the searches and the frequency. You will be able to see your presence on the Internet. In fact, they will show you results in which those terms appear, which are basically your first and last name.
They are not necessarily going to be your results, since there could be other people with the same name. In that case, you might see results that aren’t really what you were looking for. In the menu, you can display some options.
Use social networks
The social networks They are a widely used means of communication and there is really a lot of information stored. There is no way to know who is looking for you on social networks, at least directly. That is, you cannot see who has entered your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram profile. You can see, for example, who sees a story that you upload to Instagram, but nothing else.
However, you may still see public messages that contain your name. For example, a Twitter search and other social networks in which you put your username or name. You could appear in a public conversation between several users. It doesn’t really mean they searched for you.
As indicated from MakeUseOf, you can use the tool Mention.com to search for mentions of your username.
In short, knowing if they are looking for you on the Internet is not an easy task. There is no way to know directly. However, these options that we have shown you can be useful in certain cases. You can always make your social media profiles private and avoid giving out more information than necessary.