Steam updates its user interface and adds interesting new features

Currently, it is the largest video game store, something possible thanks to its social elements and its huge catalog. Steam has received a massive update who checks everything. There are UI changes, in-game overlay, and a host of other new features.

The Steam interface has received many updates since its release. New functions have been added, such as the market, initially called the “black market”. Another would be the Workshop, improvements in the user profile or the inclusion of software, among others.

Obviously, it is important to renew the interface and add new functions. The latest update, in addition to the desktop client, receives improvements in Big Picture and for the Steam Deck version. As is logical, this update will be available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

What news does it include?

This update is not new, well, more or less. Notable changes have been detected in the Steam code for quite some time. In case you didn’t know, there are people who review the code of the applications looking for relevant changes. One of the code mining communities is in Pokémon Go.

Really, this client update is more of a paint job, more cosmetic. There is minor design tweaks and the presentation of the menus, also in the colors, typography and the management of the screenshots.

The oldest adjustment made is in the in-game Overlay, which has undergone a major (and necessary) redesign. It will now have a much cleaner appearance. Adds additional functionality including the option to take notes and pin items. We will be able, for example, to chat with friends while we are playing.

Note that the new system of notes is very good, since it includes the cloud synchronization. In addition, it allows you to format the text and add images, such as screenshots.

The full description of the changes made are:

  • Updated Steam Client Notificationswith additional settings that let you choose what notifications you’ll see and where you’ll see them
  • Visual and usability improvements in dialogs, menus, fonts, and colors, including the screenshot manager, achievements, and more
  • A revised in-game overlay (accessible via Shift+Tab), with an updated design, new features, and more customization
  • New functionality of notes with text format rich, image pasting and offline functionality. Multiple notes can be saved per game and can be accessed through the game overlay, desktop client, and Steam Deck
  • New pinning functionality– In-game overlay panels can now be “pinned” (with adjustable opacity), so they can be seen while in-game
  • The cupdated driver configurator it is now part of the overlay when a gamepad is connected
  • The Mac and Linux versions of Steam have been updated to enable hardware acceleration

You don’t have to do anything to receive this update, just when you start it, it will update. Now, we want you to tell us what you think of these aesthetic changes to the application.

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