Super Mario fan? You are in luck, this AI creates new levels that you can play for free

We can find different platforms focused on the use of AI that help us in multiple tasks and modes of operation. From generating texts for professionals or writing a book, creating comments for social networks, helping us interact with others, or generating images from words. In addition, it must be taken into account that this type of platform in particular is expected to grow and improve over the coming months.

Precisely for this reason there are many companies that are entering this sector and intend to attract the attention of millions of Potential customers. At the same time, we must know that the environments to which these Artificial Intelligences are directed are gradually growing, as we will see in this specific case. And it is that in these same lines we are going to talk about an interesting application that many will possibly love and that focuses on the video game sector.

Basically this means that if you are an amateur or even a lover of video game mario bros, you are in luck. We tell you that from Cornell University we receive a new AI which, if we know how to use it well, allows us to create new levels for this particular game.

Create new Mario Bros levels with MarioGPT

So that we get an idea of ​​what we are telling you at the moment, say that this is achieved thanks to the LLM technology that implements the popular CHatGPT platform. But that’s not all, since in MarioGPT The PCGs or Procedurally Generated Contents used here also play a very important role.

It should be noted that we currently have a web application with this Mario Bros level generator so that you can try it first hand using its AI.

From the point of view of its developers, this Artificial Intelligence, MarioGPT, will not only allow us to generate levels randomly. The interesting thing about all this is that the AI ​​is able to receive commands and thus generate more personalized levels. It is also important to note that initially the tests that were done with MarioGPT were carried out in the game original super mario bros. The main reason for this is that it is much simpler than its successors.

At the same time it must be said that the new levels that we create with the MarioGPT AI look and play as if they had been created by human designers. This is an Artificial Intelligence that uses machine learning and natural language models to simulate work of humans when creating this content. At the same time, and how could it be otherwise, other aspects also come into play here, such as our expertise in the use of AI, or our creativity.

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