That’s why everyone is surrendered to the iPad

Reasons why the iPad is the best-selling tablet

Month after month, quarter after quarter, the iPad always ranks number one in the tablet market, some economic data that shows the excellent work that Apple does with its devices. This success is due, in part, to the variety of equipment that Apple offers, from very cheap iPads to devices that can perfectly replace your computer and become your main work item.

Next we will analyze the main reasons, points that makes the iPad They are one of the devices that sell the most each year, annually taking a percentage advantage in sales with respect to their competitors.

Android, a great operating system… for mobiles.

Android is a great operating system and it is that despite the fact that Apple users are completely in love with iOS, we are aware that Android is a great operating system, very versatile and where it is evident that it has evolved very well for smartphones but not for tablets.

In youabletsthe Android system, is a system that hasn’t quite taken off, and in the end, what companies have had to do is provide your own solutions. We have a clear example with Samsung, which tried to generate its own system for tablets based on Android, without obtaining the expected results.

Apple, instead of relaxing, has gone ahead with its development, abandoned iOS to develop iPadOS, the iPad operating system, with which it has obtained a operating system other than macOS and iOS, but selecting the strengths of both.

The best apps are on iPad

Apple has always been clear that the essence of the iPad is the third-party professional applications, applications that add value to the iPad as a product and make working with it a completely different experience. Android, although it is continuously progressing, does not have all its applications adapted for iPad, causing users to not get the most out of their devices.

The quality and variety of iPadOS apps It’s much better than the existing ones in Android, where in many cases, the only thing that is done is to adapt the application to the panels of the tablets.

lack of updates

Apple makes constant security updates and annually releases a version for the iPad, a new operating system that improves the previous one and that focuses on performance improvements and user productivity. On the contrary, in Android, the exact opposite occurs, updates, even security updates, are not usually common and, above all, operating system updates do not come out as frequently as they do in iPadOS.

It is true that Apple controls software and hardware, but it is not an excuse because all Android devices also have different software and hardware and they have to adapt to each other. Users want to have a tablet, a device that will be supported for many years with more or less updates, but you have to have them. Android doesn’t and Apple releases versions every year and updates monthly. When you buy an iPad, you know that you are going to have update support for 5-6 years, while in the case of a tablet, in the best case, it will be up to two years.

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