The 5 best-selling Luigi games in history

Within the Super Mario universe there are many characters who have achieved their independence by starring in their own stories and video games, but few have done so with such a number of wonders that, in many cases, they are already practically considered classics. This is the case of a Luigi who, no matter how scared he is, has had no qualms about becoming a Nintendo star.

The inseparable ‘Mario Brothers’

Right now it is almost unthinkable to think of a Nintendo plumber adventure without his inseparable brother Luigi. This character has become on its own merit on a banner within the company Japanese, as it has starred in real hits over the last 20 years. And it is that now, with the premiere of the new film of Super Mario Bros. We have no choice but to surrender to the glory of this lanky and fearful figure.

With nothing more to say, let’s start with this list of top five best selling games starring Mario’s brother.

5. New Super Luigi U (Wii U)

In this game –which functioned as an expansion for New Super Mario Bros. U– We will control Luigi who, this time, comes out of his brother’s shadow and becomes the protagonist by jumping wildly on maps full of platforms. A usurpation that was a success and cajoled Nintendo fans because managed to sell nothing more and nothing less than 3.07 million units Worldwide.

4.Luigi’s Mansion

Undoubtedly one of the most beloved sagas by Nintendo fans is the one that involves Luigi and the ghosts. In this first game – it came to GameCube in 2001 and Nintendo 3DS in 2018 – we will control the green plumber as he explores a mysterious haunted mansion filled to the brim with the most colorful specters. In its original version, it achieved worldwide impressive sales of 3.33 million units.

3. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story

Another of the company’s mythical sagas puts us in the shoes of the Mario brothers who, united, will have to defeat the evil Bowser as usual. Shining as one of the character’s star titles on the now-distant Nintendo DS -and later on 3DS-, this cartridge was a success because of how it served to introduce new generations to the characters. In sales it achieved 4.56 million copies worldwide.

2.Luigi’s Mansion 2

As you can see, the saga of Luigi being, in essence, a ghostbuster, has a lot of pull among fans of the character. This installment for Nintendo 3DS is a real joy, not only because of the cartridge’s own development, but also because of the use it makes of 3D… and the truth is that it worked very well because managed to sell 6.47 million units globally.

1.Luigi’s Mansion 3

The third installment of Luigi’s Mansion is considered by many, with permission from Breath of the Wild, as the best title that Nintendo Switch has given us so far, improving everything that was already good from its two previous adventures. Until today it has achieved in sales the spectacular amount of 12.44 million units. But surely it will improve those numbers even more.

And you? What is your favorite Luigi game?

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