The best beach wallpapers for Mac

A few days ago we launched an entry with the 50 best funds for Mac. Among them there were some beaches, but I have been left with the desire to put you more and especially now with the cold that is doing. It’s not that I don’t like the cold, well I really don’t like it. What I like is the snow and the autumn landscapes. However, it happens to me that when we are in this season of the year, I remember a lot about the beach, the sea, the sand and the long days. But when I am in summer I remember the mountains, the chill and the nights when you sleep well. Be that as it may, I’m going to leave you a few wallpapers with the beach theme so that you can go thinking about your destination for next summer.

Hammocks on the beach

Let’s start strong. We are going to dream of a paradisiacal beach where we only see a sea with crystal clear waters, strategically placed palm trees from which a couple of hammocks hang. One for you and the other … for whoever you choose. You lie on them and I am completely sure that almost any problem should go away on its own. I don’t know if he has ever done it, but that feeling of calm, listening only to the murmur of the sea, is priceless. A good destination candidate for the summer of 2022.

Sunset by the sea

Ok, this image is sure to be placed to give maximum envy. But that’s what it’s all about, choosing images that when you see them, they take you to another place and you feel as if you were really there. That when you turn on the Mac and see this wallpaper, do not enter you want nothing more than to enjoy what you do. A dream, a goal could be to be lying on that sand at sunset watching the sea. It looks like a deserted cove that you have reached by paddling. Enjoy, because sunsets tend to be short-lived, the good thing is that sunrises come later.

The sea

If what you like the most about the beach is the sea, this image works very well. represents the essentials of the beach. Crystal clear water where you can bathe when it is hotter. I don’t know about you, but as for me, normally when I take a bath I don’t tend to stray too far from the shore. The high seas give me a lot of respect. I prefer to go in the boat from before. Of course with the water as in this image, calm.

The sea like silk

This wallpaper is one of my favorites. I love photography and one of the images that I like to do the most is the long exposure one. That is, leave the shutter open for a long time and that way the movement becomes more evident. When you do it to the water, it becomes as if you were looking at silk. When you do it to the sky, the clouds lengthen, looking like they are stretching. If you put both things together, something amazing is left. If you add a sunset, you have this dreamy wallpaper.

Highlighting the sand

If in the background everything seems calm and smooth in the past, in the background it is the opposite. I wanted to put them together to see the difference between one and the other. So you can see how simply changing the camera parameters you can mask the softness or the roughness. Against this background, you want to highlight the sun and the orange color of the sky at sunset. But the soil and rocks look like they are from Mars. An extraterrestrial landscape, but one that draws powerfully attention. Very good for the Mac.

Let’s go back to paradise

After seeing an almost arid landscape although we also see the sea, I put one that will return you to reveries. A place where we all want to be right now, almost certainly. That color of the waters, that fine sand and those palm trees that indicate shady places, is perfect to be able to spend hours doing nothing. That is what this photo says to me. It suggests free time, relaxation, no stress from work or COVID. It seems that we are in a parallel world where problems do not exist. It is something that is needed sometimes.

A background for calm

I don’t know if this image should be used as a Mac wallpaper or placed on the bedside table in my bedroom. It is seeing it and feeling calm on all sides. I may put it on the nightstand but also on the table in my office. So when some external or internal element causes me stress or nervousness, surely looking at this image with those transparent waters, they will relax me.

In case the previous one does not seem good enough to you to relax, I leave you this one below. Another similar view. Clear and calm water, a bit of sand. But above all, the white clouds at the end. They are the protagonists. Clouds like cotton. Softness, calm and relaxation. An image that you will surely try to see how it looks on the Mac. I already tell you in advance, that it looks very good.

The hidden places of the beaches

I have also tested this background on the Mac. Well actually I have tested all before putting them here. I have tried many more but I discarded them because they did not fit well, or they covered icons or in some places on the screen they were confused with files. Anyway, this one that I bring you now, I can tell you that it is one of the best. It has everything to remind us that beaches are not just rest and calm. We also have options for adventure. For discover the hidden places that few know, although later they become massive, but it is something inherent to our species. Sun, caves, water and sand … What will await us inside?

The nights in front of the sea

In some coastal places we can find places like this. Beach, dreamy sunsets and a good restaurant. If on top of that the place is in the middle of the water, with amazing views because on top you have had the typical cloudy day but it is not totally covered, surely nothing can go wrong. You just have to enjoy the views, the food and especially the company.

Some beach wallpapers for your Mac

Here are some more wallpapers that are of the same theme. The beach and what are they variations of the above. I hope that among all of them there is one that you like.

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