The best contents of the week in MC (CCCXLXVI)

We finish one more week with a new review of the best content of the week that we have published in MuyComputer, a true classic where you will find the most relevant articles of the last seven days just one click away. As always, we take the opportunity to wish you encouragement with the week.

We explain AMD’s hybrid architecture based on Zen 4, everything you need to know. AMD is preparing to make the leap to a hybrid architecture, with similarities to the one used by Intel since Alder Lake. However, AMD has taken a different approach than that used by Intel and common chipmakers based on ARM architecture. If you want to know all the details, you will find them here.

Five ways to make Windows look like macOS. Even the most detractors of Apple must admit that the company has a special touch when it comes to designing its user interfaces. Microsoft tries it with Windows, and sometimes its proposals are not bad, but if despite using Windows (by choice or necessity) you would like to enjoy a “more Mac” experience, we will tell you how to achieve it.

FiiO FH9 review: in-ear headphones for audiophiles. Titanium, interchangeable physical filters to enhance certain tones, seven drivers in each earpiece… If you thought that in-ear headphones could not keep up with what the most sound connoisseurs demand, the analysis of these FiiO FH9 will probably make you change of opinion, and that you also want to try them for yourself.

Moore’s Law: what it is, how it has influenced world computing and its future. Last week we said goodbye to Gordon Moore, an essential figure in the birth and evolution of modern computing. More than fifty years ago he made a statement, based on experience, that has endured ever since, setting the pace of technology development. Don’t you know the story of him? Here you will find it.

Diablo IV: five things you should know about this highly anticipated game. The highly anticipated first public beta of Diablo IV took place last weekend, and in addition to enjoying it, we also took the opportunity to get some first impressions of a general nature (graphics, gameplay, requirements, etc.), with which you can get an idea. very clear of what is to come.

Apple Music Classical: First Impressions. A bit behind initial plans, but Apple’s classical music app is here. We explored all its options and checked its many differences with the Apple Music app, to tell you if a specific app for the classic was really necessary or if, on the contrary, the general app was enough.

Fiat 500e RED, backwaters. The Fiat 500, also known as the Cinquecento, is one of the most versatile, beloved and charismatic cars of the legendary Italian brand. These are new times, so now it has been electrified, but faithful to its tradition, just like its ancestor the Topolino, this new 500e comes to democratize access to electric cars.

Lenovo Yoga, big renovation. Lenovo’s most flexible line of laptops reaches the eighth generation for a large part of its models, and it does so while maintaining versatility at the epicenter of its varied designs. From maximum performance to autonomy taken to the extreme, among so much offer it will be difficult not to find a proposal that meets your needs.

The Last of Us Part I is a huge disaster on PC, and a lack of respect for the players. Sony could have scored, with this more than failed launch, the dubious honor of having created the worst port of video game history. Whether due to lack of interest, incapacity, bad decisions or bad intentions, it is simply unacceptable, and we will tell you the reasons for this.

Five tricks to make the most of the tabs in Google Chrome. Tabs are, at the same time, a basic and essential component of web browsers. Now, do you know that you can do much more than simply click on them to access the web pages they host? With these five tricks you will learn to get much more out of them.

Artificial Intelligence under debate: should the development of large projects be paused? Advances in artificial intelligence seem to have grown exponentially in recent times, and they aim to continue to do so in the future. However, the consequences of this are still not clear, and it may be necessary to stop along the way, take a breath and assess whether it is necessary to take certain types of measures.

These have been the worst versions of Windows that Microsoft has released. Have you ever heard that version of Windows is always “one good, then one bad”? Well, it’s not like that… at least not exactly like that. We review the history of the Microsoft operating system to recover, in a reasoned way, those that have earned suspense.

Upcoming Releases: Games April 2023. From the new proposal of the Minecraft universe to a fast-paced racing title starring Disney and Pixar characters, the long-awaited extension of Horizon: Forbidden West, several inspirational proposals lovecraftian and the return of Cal Kestis in the worst times for the Jedi, among many others, make up the list of the most anticipated releases of April.

World Backup Day 2023 reminds us of the importance of backups. The backup continues to be one of the pending subjects of many users, who sooner or later end up regretting not having been more careful. We take advantage of world backup day to remember its importance and how to carry it out easily and quickly.

News VOD 13/23: ‘Tetris’, more than a game, a whole story. How did a game become an icon? This week’s featured premiere tells its story, but there’s so much more to choose from between series and movies. We review, one more week, all the news that the main streaming platforms offer us.

Free games and offers: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, Tunche, The Silent Age… No fewer than five free games this week, but as always, remember to be quick as these offers are always for a limited time. We tell you where to find them and, in addition, we select the best offers to get the games you were looking for.

Graphic memory and games: solve your doubts with these five keys. What function does it perform exactly? How much should the next card you buy have? What does speed affect? There are many questions around this basic component of the GPU, but with what we tell you in this article, your doubts will be completely dispelled.

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