The days of the Google search engine may be numbered because of Microsoft and ChatGPT

Currently, the most used search engine in the world with a huge difference is that of Google. But there are many others, such as DuckDuckGo, Ecosia or Bing, the search engine developed by Microsoft. Well, it seems that Bingthe Microsoft search engine, will integrate the AI ​​of ChatGPT to improve its performance and efficiency.

Sergei Brin and Larry Page created their own search engine in 1998 in a rather rudimentary way. Little by little they added improvements to it and the company acquired new companies and generated new divisions. Such is its power that everything on the internet is managed taking into account the whims of this search engine.

Microsoft and OpenAI want to hunt down Google

The appearance of the beta Open ChatGPT It has generated a lot of buzz on the internet. There are many who marvel at the capacity of this artificial intelligence. Even Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, is amazed by this technology, and also concerned. Well, if Pichai was already worried about ChatGPT, the fact that it is now associated with Microsoft is a new problem.

ChatGPT It is currently in open beta, anyone can come in and ask. It is a good training mode, since it receives a lot of different questions on countless topics and the user can evaluate the answer. But it has a major problem and that is that, at the moment, it is not connected to the internet.

According to the information, the ChatGPT integration in Bing it would be very advanced. The information indicates that by the end of March of this year the search engine will already be able to answer the user’s questions. So, you would already have an integrated version of the OpenAI tool that would be connected to the internet.

It seems that Microsoft wants to go all out Google. This Bing-integrated solution will not only display links to suggestions that are as accurate as possible, but also display information written by this AI. It would be the user who would choose what information interests him or her more or expand the answer with the given links.

As data, currently and according to GlobalStats, Google has a share of 92.5% and Bing a share of only 3%. If this is consumed and works correctly (which is the most normal) Google faces a problem. We could see its popularity grow rapidly.

Is there something similar currently working?

The truth is that there is already a search engine that integrates artificial intelligence that allows you to carry out searches and that answers questions. We are talking about, a little-known search engine that integrates an AI. The AI ​​that is integrated is connected to the internet, so it can give richer information. But, it has a problem, it doesn’t always give valid information, in some cases it gives obsolete information that is worthless. also offers images generated by AI, allows you to generate texts or even code. But, since it doesn’t end up working very well, a solution is made, at least for now, not very interesting. It is possible that Bing develops a better search engine, with higher quality results thanks to the integration of ChatGPT.

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