The infallible method to study available on iPhone and iPad

  • Application design: when you are studying it is really important to have a proper aesthetic. In this way the different concepts will enter you much better through the eye and finally you will easily memorize it since you will end up developing all these elements. That is why having a visually attractive and modern application that is adapted to the operating system must always prevail.
  • Purchase price: In many cases, these applications have different advertising plans that make you see an ad every so often. This is a serious problem since every so often you will have an on-screen distraction with a different ad. The possibility that exists is to pay the subscription to remove all the advertising. But there may also be single payment apps. It is important to analyze whether it is worth the purchase by trying the free plan beforehand.
  • Privacy: an aspect that should always be essential when you are working with applications. You should look for those that have an adequate privacy policy and in which your data that you enter in this study application is not sold.
  • Multiplatform option: it may be the case where you need to study on several different devices. In this case, priority should be given to those applications that are multiplatform. In this way you will have your cards very accessible from iPhone, iPad or even Mac. This can be achieved through a single account that synchronizes all this study information.

Options to study any subject

Keep in mind that the most common applications that you can use are the general ones. That is, their mission is to write on both sides of a virtual card. In this way, it can be used for any specific subject or syllabus without having to search for a specific specialization. Here we show you the best options that can be found in this regard.

Flashcards Maker

The easiest way to memorize and master everything you are specifically learning. It is an application that allows you to create, collaborate and study with unlimited flash cards offline and on the go. It is important to note that it is an application totally free and does not include any type of microtransaction. It is designed to help students memorize quickly with multiple repetitions.

The cards can be created with images and advanced formats to learn from all the contents. Lists can have bullets, bold text, and code blocks. It is multi platform since the cards can be used in iPad, iPhone and also in the web version of the developer. You will have a record of how you progress in each of the card packs.


Mobile education platform that will allow you to learn what you want in a very fast way using its personalized method. It is important to note that we are talking about a platform that also has a web version, so we are facing a version multi platform. This method adapts to your study patterns and does not matter what you are learning since a repetition period will always be established for your brain.

Once the cards are created and you start studying, you will see how the cards are randomly passed. In those questions that you notice that you know them perfectly, much less will appear in each of the repetitions. But if you fail it more, you will see how the card appears more often. In this way you will be able to memorize it more correctly and quickly. You also have a bank with several cards created by other people.

Flashcards Maker

On the fly you can create your own flashcards virtually. It is also free and very easy to use, being perfect for students of any age and also for any type of modality. With one click you can make memory cards and edit and save them quickly. You’ll soon be on your way to remembering all the knowledge you need to pass a particular exam.

In each of the cards that you create you can add the markers. In this way you will be able to mark those cards that are most difficult for you to memorize and in the end choose that only these are shown to simply review those that you have not learned at all. You can choose the option of shuffling all the cards to always have a combination of the different questions randomly so as not to only learn the pattern of responses.

AnkiMobile Flashcards

Powerful and smart flash card application that is open source. This is one of the most traditional applications that exist in this sense and it falls within the entire Anki ecosystem. All information can be synchronized with the cloud to allow the card content to be kept in sync on numerous devices. This way you can add the content on a Mac or another iPad.

The algorithm that is used is ready for you to start remembering what you are about to forget. It knows you are forgetting it when it has been many study sessions that it does not display correctly. You will be able to consult comprehensive graphs and statistics on the evolution of your studies and you will also be able to integrate images and videos as well as audio clips into the cards.

MIR Flaschards

If you are a MIR student, there will be many concepts that you will have to study that are really easy. That is why there is this application designed especially for you. It integrates separate cards for each of the specialties such as trauma, cadio or pediatrics. Obviously, it is not a substitute for the study that is carried out in the academy but a real complement to be able to facilitate the memorization and understanding of different terms.

The design is certainly quite good and it is very accessible. The chips are already pre-established but you can enter your own. You have a weekly challenge in which the application challenges you to correctly answer 25 questions throughout a week. This will be something quite important to take into account, although you can always go at your own pace.

Flashcards with Cram

Official Cram card app. It has a lot of flash memory card functions. The application automatically downloads all the information that you have in the account that you have created and that can be useful to synchronize all the information. It is completely free and easy to use and allows access to more than 80 million different cards that have been created by all users.

It is important to note that it has both online and offline functions. To make it much more enjoyable, four different study modes are supported: card, memorize, cram mode and game mode. The basic one is the card mode that allows you to quickly see the complete set of cards and repeat them many times. In this way you can have all this knowledge in your head in a much faster way.

The most language-centric apps

Beyond the applications that are general, you can also find applications that are focused on a common theme such as learning languages. In this case, you will find cards from both the English language and others, being focused above all on learning vocabulary or specific characters.

Quizlet: Learn English and More

The easiest way to study, practice and master what you are learning. Create your own flashcards or choose from the millions of flashcards other students have created. In this case, you will be able to see how millions of students use the application and that is why you will be able to study for free every month with this application in English or any other different language from among the 18 available.

Every day you can prepare with the Learn test in which a real challenge will be proposed. The writing mode will offer you the ability to memorize everything you have learned and you can also play against the clock with the Combine game mode. In addition to languages, which is the main subject, it also has classes in history, science and also the preparation of official exams, such as opposition.

AnkiApp Flashcards

If you are trying to learn Chinese characters or Kanji this is one of the best applications you can install. In this way you can take advantage of your study time much better. AnkiApp uses the improved form of SRS spaced repetition, built on artificial intelligence. This way you can maximize the amount of learning you do in each of the sessions without overwhelming you.

Artificial intelligence is able to determine which cards you should study at any given time. In this way, artificial intelligence will be able to analyze the progress you are making. You will make your own cards, using colors, bullet lists and much more, although you can also search among the millions of cards that are ready for download and that have been developed by third parties.

Which ones do we recommend?

We have seen that there are many options that can be found in the App Store of applications that aim to have study cards. In this case we must keep two. The first is Flashcards Maker It has a very attractive design and also has different artificial intelligence functionalities so that you always have those cards in front of you that may cost you a little more than normal.

The second option presented is Quizlet which is designed to learn more than 18 different languages. It is based of course on the cards that show the vocabulary and also those that give information about verbs or any other way of learning a language that is completely new for a user. It stands out above all for the design it integrates since it is extremely visually attractive and invites you to memorize all these contents.

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