Have a good internet connection throughout the house, is something we always look for. However, it is not always possible. We may have stability problems, the signal may be weak or the speed may not be adequate. Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you what you can do to solve it. We are going to focus on something very specific, on how you can take advantage of a part of your house to bring the connection to other areas of the house.
Yes, sometimes just by making a few changes you can notice that the connection works much better. Other times, this process is somewhat more complex and we do not always reach a good speed. We are going to explain how you can take advantage of the electrical wiring in your home, the plugs that you have scattered everywhere, to take the Internet from one place to another.
PLC devices
How can you take advantage of the electrical cables in your home to have Internet in areas where the signal does not reach well? The answer is in the PLC devices. They are devices that work very well to bring the connection to different areas. Basically, they are a pack of two devices that will improve coverage.
You are going to connect one of them to the router and also to an electrical outlet. The other, on the other hand, you have to put in another area of the house, too plugged into a socket, where you need to improve the connection. For example, you may have the router in a far away room and you want to have a connection in the living room, where you are going to use the television. That’s where you have to put that second PLC device.
Unlike a wireless repeater, these devices do not connect to the router via Wi-Fi, something that will inevitably make the signal worse, but instead take advantage of the electrical wiring to carry the signal from one place to another. You will only have to use the plugs you have at home, to improve the connection. You can always measure the stability of the connection and see if there are problems.
Use these devices well
It is important that you use these devices correctly. First thing you have to buy devices that are guaranteed. You can see that they are dual band, that they have a good maximum speed, that they have Ethernet ports to connect devices also by cable, etc. That will help you achieve a good connection.
In addition, it is convenient that you place them correctly. Although you can put them in any socket at home, it is interesting that you do not connect it to a power strip or that you do not put them near other devices that could interfere. The more isolated they are from other devices, the better the connection will be and the fewer problems you will have.
Another important factor is the wiring of your house. It is good that it is in good condition, that it is not deteriorated. Unless your home is old, it is normal that you do not have problems in this regard. However, it is something that you should take into account if you notice that the connection does not work quite well.
In short, as you can see, you can make use of PLC devices to improve the Internet connection at home. You can take the network from one place to another in the house, simply taking advantage of the electrical wiring. You should check very well what device you are going to use, since it is good that they are of quality.