The viral challenge of the Grinch on TikTok shows (once again) that we have lost our heads on the networks

We are on December 27 and that means that there are still 4 long days ahead for the human being to come up with some stupid challenge to go viral on social networks. The latest graphic proof that we’re not exaggerating at all comes from the Christmas sensation of the moment on TikTok: record children crying in horror while they see how the Grinch enters their houses to steal their gifts from Santa Claus. what you are reading

The Grinch, the new protagonist of TikTok

The Asian TikTok platform is undoubtedly one of the hot spots when it comes to generating virals: the brevity of its content and the majority audience that it has help things to be shared very quickly, achieving in many cases their success. viralization. Since almost its beginnings we have seen how this has caused videos of all kinds to become popular, from those that teach us something useful to others that pose challenges or challenges that have literally endangered the lives of many people (especially young people).

Today we bring one that, although it will not kill anyone, can leave more than one childhood trauma in the process (not to mention how the rights of children are violated with its recording): it is about making a grinch enter your house while the little ones are in it and see how he takes his gifts from Santa Claus. Although it may seem like a joke in very bad taste -it is-, more than one TikTok user has believed that it is a challenge funny and has not hesitated to replicate it to such an extent that it is the new fashion of the moment.


#thegrinch #grinch #christmas #scaredkids

♬ You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch – Tyler, The Creator

In case you don’t know him, the Grinch is a fictional character (created by the writer and cartoonist Dr. Seuss) who first appeared in the children’s book “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, published in the US in 1957. It is of a green and furry being, with an unpleasant appearance, who although he initially intends to steal Christmas from the inhabitants of the town in the book, eventually learns the true meaning of the celebration and becomes a kind and generous creature. Even so, the little ones have special reluctance and he often presents himself as the antagonist of the good-natured Santa Claus.

The business of adults… with their children

Although the issue of adults who show their children on social networks for purely economic purposes is still a debate with opinions for and against -and no, we are not going to go into it today-, in these cases we can hardly find a reason convincing to defend the videos. As well pointed out in Forbes, one of the many users who have decided to do so accumulates more than 14 million views and more than 2 million likes -it is the video that we have left you a few lines above-, however, in them you only read (obviously) the opinion of adult people who find the situation funny and humorous.

The video that we show below has more than 4 million likes and it’s especially unpleasant to watch:


#christmas #xmas #mrgrinch

♬ original sound – MercilessGod187

Possibly the children in the video have taken a long time to see the humor in the “surprise” (or have not even managed to do so), having a really unpleasant moment that, depending on the age, can lead to undesirable consequences such as irrational fears, anxiety or difficulty sleeping, among others. So, you know, before you scare and laugh at your child in front of millions of people, think twice.

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