These are the favorite techniques to sneak malware, protect yourself like this

Current methods to strain malware

Over time, hackers change the techniques they use. Adapt to possible changes in security measures, in vulnerabilities that they can exploit, data that they are more interested in stealing, etc. Therefore, there is not a single type of attack, nor is there a single thing that we can use to avoid attacks.

According to a report by HP Wolf Security, they are using a lot lately zip files to strain malware. What they do is put direct files that contain the malware, inside that compressed file. This way they can email it as an attachment and have a better chance of getting past security filters.

They have also detected an increase in the use of files with lnk extension, which are Windows direct files. With this they could control a computer with the Microsoft operating system and put security at risk.

What is the file type that is still most used to attack? According to this report, Excel files. Hackers can sneak malware into such files and send them in the mail. When the victim opens it, the malware is executed and starts to infect the system.

As they indicate, 69% of all malware was detected through the email. This already gives us an important clue as to how cybercriminals attack and what we must do to be protected. Malicious software via downloads represents 17% of the total, considerably less than email.

But what do they use to scam by mail? Mainly the phishing. Basically what they do is send a bait, something that makes us click and download a file. For example, telling us that there is a problem with the account, that we must make a change, install a plugin… In this way, the attacker can sneak in malware.

What to do to avoid these attacks

After explaining the main techniques used by cybercriminals today, we are going to talk about what to do to avoid them. As you can see, in most cases the e-mail is the key for the attackers. Therefore, avoiding attacks by this means is going to be fundamental in order not to have problems in the systems.

It is very important to maintain common sense and not make mistakes. You should never download files that come to you by mail and that may contain malware. Check the source very well, make sure it is something safe and only then download attachments that you really expect to receive.

It is also a good idea to have security programs. A good antivirus can help you avoid computer attacks of all kinds. There are many options, such as Microsoft Defender, Avast or Bitdefender. Always make sure to install a warranty application, which really helps you to detect problems.

On the other hand, some threats will exploit vulnerabilities in the computer. So try to always have updated the system. Install all the patches that are available and thus you will make your computer work as well as possible, in addition to maintaining good protection.

In short, as you can see there are certain techniques that are most used by hackers today. E-mail is a widely used medium and therefore you must protect it especially. Be careful with any attachments you receive, install a good antivirus and keep everything up to date. You can configure the Windows antivirus well and thus improve protection.

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