These are the free July games that you can now download from the Epic Games Store

Download Ironcast for free

One of the two games that we can download from the Epic Games store right now is Ironcast, a strange turn-based combat game that mixes puzzles and in which we will have to control gigantic war machines with which to defeat the enemies of the empire British. These machines are called Ironcasts, they are 7 meters high and will be in charge of changing the history of Victorian England in 1880.

This is a game released in 2015 by Dreadbit Games, so it is not one of the best releases offered on the Epic Games Store, but you know what they say about “a gift horse …”.

Bridge Constructor The Walking Dead

The second game available is the peculiar one Bridge Constructor in version The walking dead. Taking advantage of the popularity of the great bridge-building game and the media pull of The çwalking Dead, this edition draws attention for its fun gameplay, since we will have to create bridges that are capable of supporting the load of vehicles and the passage of the protagonists.

A somewhat peculiar cross-over that will lead us to survive among several zombie hordes, using explosives, decoys and deadly traps, with the sole intention of taking survivors to safe areas. Its physics will give rise to hilarious and crazy moments that will make you laugh the odd laugh. Who said zombies were scary?

More games for the month of July

That July is going to be a lazy month for free games on the Epic Games Store is an easy thing to figure out. The company has already published the other two games that it will give away in the second fortnight, and although they are not bad games, they are still not bombshell (obviously we are not going to receive triple AAA every month), so this time you are going to have to settle for something more humble.

One of these two games will be Obduction, from the creators of the famous Myst, a beautiful science fiction adventure based on puzzles and riddles that will take us to different parts of the universe after accidentally discovering a strange artifact that falls from the sky. Our mission will be none other than to find a way to return home, but it will not be easy.

The second game that will arrive from July 15 is Offworld Trading Company, a simulator in real time that will take us to nothing less than Mars. Our mission is none other than to create an empire managing resources, since the red planet has become a gold mine for large corporations, which are trying to take advantage of the new space resource now that the Earth is practically depleted.

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