These are the worst threats for this 2022

Most important threats for this year

We echo a report that they have made since ZeroFox Intelligence. They have analyzed how the main threats have been during 2021 and make a forecast of what 2022 may bring. In this way, they intend to ensure that users are more protected and know what we can face.

One of the most important security threats and one that is expected to grow during this year is the ransomware. This report indicates that a continued increase in these types of extortion attacks is expected. They mainly expect that there will be an increase aimed at companies, but it is a problem that also affects private users.

Another problem that will be very present this year is what is known as Malware-as-a-Service or malware as a service. This consists of creating malware and attack tools so that someone with less knowledge can infect a system and then share the profits. There are many such malicious programs on the Dark Web.

There is also an increased demand for access to services and therefore more supply. That is, people who pay so that a cybercriminal can gain access to an account, a platform, etc. This logically can seriously jeopardize the security and privacy of any Internet user.

The vulnerabilities and exploits They will be another problem to control. In this case, they use different means of attack to exploit flaws that may exist, such as Java-based applications. Thus they can gain access to a computer or compromise privacy in some way.

Two other objectives and that are going to be very present is the theft of passwords through the Phishing-as-a-Service, very similar to what we were talking about malware as a service. Someone buys a kit to carry out these attacks and puts it into practice. Also everything related to cryptocurrencies.

What to do to avoid these attacks

How can we be prepared to protect ourselves? Something essential is to have All updated. Attacks like exploiting vulnerabilities will take advantage of bugs in unpatched systems. Therefore, updating Windows or any operating system, as well as the different programs that we use, is essential.

It is also having security programs. A good antivirus, such as Windows Defender, will serve to be protected and to detect malicious software that may reach our computers. This is something that we must take into account at all times and improve security. It is important to protect computer security at home.

But if there is something essential and that will help us avoid a large number of attacks, it is the common sense. We must avoid making mistakes that they can take advantage of to steal our passwords or infect the system. For example, downloading attachments that come to us by e-mail without really knowing who is behind it.

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