These pages promise security but in reality they deceive you

We have many security tools to protect us when browsing the Internet, downloading files or installing applications. They can help us detect viruses and other threats. However, not all of them are going to be safe and not all of them are going to protect us. In this article we echo some pages that promise to protect against DDoS attacks, but they are actually a scam and the real goal is to infect systems. Let’s talk about what to do to avoid these problems.

Fake anti DDoS site

A DDoS attack can bring down a server and make it unavailable. It can affect web pages, for example. Basically, an attacker or group of attackers is going to make a large number of access requests in a short period of time. In this way they get that server does not have enough capacity and starts to go wrong.

Now the attackers are exploding fake protection pages against DDoS attacks. This is a fake page that the victim finds when browsing and that tells them that they are in front of a Cloudflare protection site against DDoS attacks. But it is actually a scam and cyber criminals manage to inject malicious JavaScript code. That code will invite the user to download an application called security_install.iso to supposedly improve security.

But of course, we are really facing a fraud. Once the victim has downloaded that file, they ask to install it and put in a code which they receive. From there the problem begins, since that file is going to install a Trojan on the computer and malware to steal information. In this way they could steal social network accounts, bank accounts, sneak ransomware, etc.

The real goal of hackers is to compromise the security and privacy of the victim. They can take full control of the device, so we must be protected at all times and not fall into the trap.

What to do to avoid these attacks

So what can we do to avoid being victims of this type of attack? The most interesting option to avoid computer attacks of all kinds is avoid making mistakes. In this case, you should not trust supposed pages that protect your security, whether against DDoS attacks or anything else, without first verifying who is behind that site.

In addition, it is convenient to have good security programs. The cybersecurity researchers behind this discovery indicate that antiviruses are already detecting this threat. Now, they recommend having applications that are updated and have guarantees, since otherwise it is as if we were not protected with anything.

It is also important to have the operating system, such as Windows, updated to the latest version. In many cases, cybercriminals are going to exploit vulnerabilities that may exist. It is essential to have the latest versions and thus prevent them from attacking us without us realizing it, simply because they have some uncorrected bug.

In short, as you can see, it is important to be protected against DDoS attacks, but it must be done correctly. We could even come across so-called security tools that are actually fraud and should be avoided.

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