They make ChatGPT work on a 36-year-old laptop

There are many users exploring how to use new technologies on old systems that theoretically do not support them. This may seem irrelevant, but it generates learning and shows us that everything can become possible. About this, there is a user who has ran ChatGPT on an IBM 5155which was released… 36 years ago!

Currently, ChatGPT technology is on everyone’s lips for its capabilities and being an interesting tool. It allows you to explore a lot and learn a lot, while helping you improve. Exploring different uses and all its capabilities is something that many users around the world are already doing.

Running on a 36 year old computer

We must say that AI is a great innovation that can help people a lot. At the same time, it is presented as a double-edged sword, since, as usual, it also has negative aspects. Technology can always be used for positive purposes and also for negative purposes.

User “yeokm1” has explored using the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT on a computer from 36 years ago. The IBM 5155 uses an Intel 8088 processor running at 4.77 MHz and has 256 KB of RAM. We are talking about very limited resources, but it not only has this limitation and it is that use MS DOSwhich does not support network functions.

Basically, so you can understand it, Microsoft’s operating system does not support internet connection. So they have had to figure out how to use this new technology.

To fix the problem, he had to writing a ChatGPT application for DOS using the Visual Studio Code editor. It parses the JSON output of the OpenAI technology API.

After solving this problem, the IBM5 5155 has been able to communicate without problems with ChatGPT. A great success, without a doubt, which shows us that running this tool is possible no matter what.

We see how he says “I am an IMB 5155 Portable PC” to which ChatGPT tells him about his story. Even intelligence tells him if he has interesting stories about it from his early days.

Although it may all seem minor, it really is Something very important. First, that we can run this technology on any system without problems. It also shows us the ingenuity of some people, who try different things, that many would not think of.

AI won’t make you dinner

We must be clear that any AI is a tool that can serve as a guide or on which to rely at any given time. The reality is that on a day-to-day basis, we will not have major changes due to this technology. Perhaps if it affects the labor field more, but in the end, waiters, gerocultors, replenishers and other workers would be required.

We will see new highly qualified labor fields generated. This is normal, technology generates new specific jobs for people who have been trained in that field. There are many new jobs that have been created in the last decade and those that are yet to be created.

But, we must not forget that not everything can be automated or technologized, so to speak. There are fields that will be destroyed or replaced, but the basics will remain the same.

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