
This innovative program protects your passwords better than any other

Master Password, a different way of saving passwords

The problem with traditional password managers, such as KeePass or Bitwarden, is that sometimes there have been vulnerabilities. These are bugs that can appear in the application and a hacker could exploit them to steal passwords. After all, those keys are stored somewhere, even if they are encrypted. But if there are any vulnerabilities, they can be exposed. It’s kind of like if you keep jewelry in a safe with a password, but for some reason someone finds out that password.

But Master Password uses a very different system. In this case, it will not save the passwords in an encrypted database, either in the cloud or on the device itself. What it does is calculate strong passwords and unique using a single master key and username.

How exactly does it work? What it does is calculate all passwords at each login and for this it uses that master key and the username that we have created. It does all of this without a database, so it’s not going to store keys that could be exposed. It also doesn’t need an internet connection to work.

Master Password will generate a key from the username and master password and from there generate keys to use in other services. To enter the calculation, use the name of the specific service, such as Facebook or any platform. Once it has all that data, it generates a unique password.

Access codes will replace passwords

You only need to remember one key

One of the positive points of all this is that we only have to remember one key: the master password. From there, Master Password is capable of calculating unique passwords based on our username, the master key and the name of the service that we are going to use, such as a social network, email, etc.

You will also be able to configure the password complexity. By default it is configured in maximum security, which means that they are 20-character keys. You could change it to less security and use a less secure PIN or keys, although this would not be advisable.

Does this mean that passwords are 100% protected? The services we use, such as Facebook or anything, could have some vulnerability and there may be a data leak. What Master Password does is track this and if it detects a problem of this type, it generates a new password to replace the one that has been compromised. You can download it from the official Android store.

As you can see, Master Passwords is an interesting application that you can use in your day to day to manage your passwords. It works differently than traditional key managers. Keep in mind that it is always important to change the password of Windows or any system or application that you use.

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