This is how having a VPN saved me on my trip to Brazil and you can also take advantage of it

A VPN What it does is encrypt the connection. Everything you send will first pass through a server until it reaches the destination. For example, if you enter RedesZone through a VPN, the connection will not go directly from your computer to the web server, but rather it will first go through the VPN you are using. A way to modify the public IP address, among other things.

Use a travel VPN

But why is it more useful during times like summer, long weekends or when we go on a trip? The main reason is that we spend more time outside. As soon as you travel a few days outside of Spain, it is very likely that you will need to use a service of this type. Furthermore, even without going very far from home, just by connecting to a restaurant’s Wi-Fi network, you could already have certain risks.

See sporting events

Simply watching a game of the Spanish basketball team on TVE was a problem while in Portugal for the weekend. Also for longer in Brazil. The application, for those specific events, did not work. The typical message appeared that, for emission rightsin my location it is not available.

How is this solved? Very simple: a VPN. Just by installing a warranty VPN program, which has servers from Spain, you will now be able to see content of this type without problems. And be careful, we are not talking about paid events, since as I mentioned, these are matches that are broadcast openly, but it is not possible to view them abroad.

Use public networks safely

Also, using a VPN has allowed me to connect more safely on public Wi-Fi networkssuch as a hotel, restaurant, airport… You don’t know who may be behind that network, if they have created it with the aim of stealing information, if they may be spying on you without you realizing it, etc.

Therefore, installing a VPN will save you from security problems and not only when you are traveling abroad. Whenever you connect in a library, shopping center or any similar place, it is a good idea to be prepared and not have problems. You can use services like Surfshark or NordVPN, which work very well.

Access locked applications

Yes, there are applications that do not work outside of Spain. We are not just talking about the country you are in blocking that program, but also that the application itself does not work for security reasons. It is something that I have verified with some banks, but also to access electricity consumption and other similar applications. They don’t work abroad.

With a VPN, being able to connect to a server in Spain, I have had no problems from Brazil when accessing those applications. I simply connected the VPN and I could enter the bank app, the electricity consumption app, and others that did not work if I entered with a foreign IP.

In short, these are some clear advantages of power use a VPN while traveling or at any time you are going to travel. You can apply it to any time of the year, since you will always find it useful. It is important to prevent the VPN from being blocked, and to do so it is essential to always use a service that is reliable and works correctly.

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