This is how I have watched Netflix for a whole year for less than what a month costs in Spain

Either from the mobile or from our desktop computer, the consumption of all kinds of videos via streaming through online platforms is more than usual. The problem here is that most of the platforms that offer us this content are paid, as is the case with the popular Netflix.

Here we find a huge number of movies, series and documentaries that we can play at any time and on any device. The platform as such provides us with all the facilities so that the experience is the best possible. But of course, all this has a price, not to mention the productions, including some premieres, that we can find. The aforementioned Netflix may be one of the most popular proposals of this type at the moment and for a long time, but it is not the only one.

But with everything and with it in these lines we want to focus on the service of the big N. To give you an idea of ​​the current costs, the single subscription It has a price of 7.99 euros. We can also opt for the Standard subscription, with which we can view content on up to two screens simultaneously for a price of 12.99 euros. To finish, we have the Premiumfor four screens and with resolution up to Ultra HD that has a cost of 17.99.

However, whether for Netflix or any other streaming video platform, some users manage to pay less. It is for all these reasons that we are going to show you a trick to enjoy Netflix for a whole year for less money than the cost of a month in Spain.

Save many euros on Netflix with this simple trick

And it is that we must take into consideration that the price is not the same in all countries, something that we can take advantage of. In this specific case, what we are going to do is contract the complete or Premium subscription of Netflix, but in Turkey, which is much cheaper. Obviously to achieve this we will have to contract the platform through a VPN or virtual private network. It allows us to skip geographic restrictions on this type of purchase and many others.

But of course we must also bear in mind that the payment will initially have to be made in turkish lira. For this, it is best to use a prepaid card so as not to get in the way of the bank cards that we usually use.

In exchange, the subscription to Netflix will cost us just over 4 euros per month. In addition, we must take into consideration that here we will do with the Premium mode. This means that it is best to share this subscription with 3 other users, since it allows a total of four simultaneous screens, and thus we will pay around one euro each per month. If we add this payment for the corresponding 12 months that make up the year, we will see that the total annual cost will be less than what we pay for a single month for the Premium subscription in our country.

Therefore, as we will see firsthand, the savings for viewing all Netflix content on a total of four screens will be substantial and worth the process.

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