This is how Smart TVs with Android TV improve again

Android TV is more Google TV than ever

Google currently offers two smart TV operating systems. On the one hand, there is Android TV, which was his first bet in giving life and more options to Smart TVs; and on the other Google TV. Both share the same base, which is why it is very logical that little by little they are tending towards unification. Especially since they are running on the same type of devices. It is not like iPads and Macs where there are also identical bases, but the nature of both products differs.

Well, if a few months ago an important update was carried out that implied the change of the user interface, focusing the entire experience on it, the contents and their interaction with them, now it is time to continue moving forward to continue improving what is they do already offer the Search, Main, Discover and Applications tabs.

In this new update that Android TV receives, some features are added that possibly help this objective of making the user experience of users who bet on this system for Smart TV more rewarding than with the rest of the options.

The first and possibly most useful of all is the new Ready to watch later. This is something that many streaming platforms already have, the difference is that here it is integrated into the operating system itself and will allow you to add any content no matter where it is. So when it comes to choosing what to see, everything will be much easier and faster than not having to change from service to service. In addition, it will be a list that can be consulted from other devices with access to Google services and applications. And if you wonder where this List will be to see later, you can find it within the Discover tab

The other great novelty is that Google introduces a system in Android TV that allows you to further fine-tune the recommendations that you will offer to users. To do this, of course, it requires some help from it since it will have to like or dislike a series of contents that will appear on the screen as cards. Something similar to how dating applications work where you scroll left or right depending on whether you are interested or not

Finally, when you access the information of a title, the trailer will be played automatically as it happens on Netflix for example. This is something that you can deactivate from the settings if you are interested, but for some it could be a good option in order to enter and take a look to see if they are convinced to see said content or not

Is Android TV the best option in a Star TV?

For a good number of users, Android TV and Google TV are the best operating systems or platforms that can be used on a Smart TV or compatible devices such as the Set Top Box and the new Chromecast with Google TV.

Still, it is true that other options such as webOS, Tizen, Fire OS TV or tvOS are also interesting proposals. Even so, for many users there are plenty of reasons to bet better on Android by having a good number of extra applications to take advantage of and those that are yet to come.

However, everyone has to decide based on their own interests, but it is true that the pace at which Android TV and Google TV is advancing is interesting. And that could be much faster than it is right now, of course they are also working on Android 12 for Android TV, so watch out

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