TikTok wants to be more important for Spanish SMEs

TikTok wants to give a boost to Spanish SMEs, which constitute a 99.8% of the business fabric. The objective is to allow them to reach, in a different and unique way, a wide audience. The social network has more than one billion active users worldwide.

Since its launch in Spain, TikTok has seen how more and more brands, of all sizes and sectors, have managed to establish real connections with their target audiences, embracing the creativity and language of the platform.

In this sense, a study carried out by Clear M&C Saatchi affirms that the interaction between users and brands within TikTok occurs naturally, with 72% of users saying that they do not mind seeing brand content within the platform. Also, TikTok users remember the content more of the brands on the platform, thus, 54% of the people who use TikTok remember having seen some content of products or brands and / or having talked about them.

For this reason, the platform is gaining more and more ground within Spanish SMEs, and is making available a series of tools and solutions for self-served advertising or self-management, which allow the account owner to manage everything within the business center of the TikTok account itself in a fast way And simple. From the creation of campaigns, payments, measurements or data analytics, these tools cover everything that any company needs to be able to create and optimize its campaigns successfully.

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TikTok understands that each company has different needs, and offers brands a total flexibility, accessible through the TikTok Ads Manager platform, where they can manage and create their campaigns themselves. Through this tool, it is the companies themselves that decide how, when and how much budget they want to allocate to achieve their objectives, which can be brand awareness, consideration or traffic and conversion, providing a solution for all phases of funnel marketing . In fact, TikTok campaigns help small businesses shorten the conversion funnel.

Through TikTok Ads Manager, small or medium-sized businesses are able to select between three options to manage their budgets: “no limit”, in which there are no budget restrictions; “Daily budget” and “total budget”, in which companies are able to launch their own campaigns for just 20 euros a day, and increase their budget if they wish, defining a daily or total maximum that will not be exceeded .

In this way, small and medium-sized companies can advertise and create campaigns on TikTok in a simple way and controlling the operation of the campaign, audiences and budget at all times, in order to optimize the result of each one of them.

A range of tools available

Among the content and ad formats that SMEs can run, in-feed ads stand out, a format available for self-management through the TikTok platform for companies, characterized by appearing to users within the feed «For you», integrated between the different videos and with a duration of five to 60 seconds.

The types of videos with this format can be fun ads, videos uploaded directly from the company’s advertising management account to promote themselves and therefore are not found in the organic feed of the account; o TikTok Spark Ads, which are organically uploaded to a creator or company account and promoted, allowing brands to collaborate with creators and promote their content.

The main advantage of in feed ads is that they are framed in the video feed that a user sees when entering the platform, with which their positioning is integrated into the experience of the application, allowing companies or creators of content insert links in the videos, which redirect to the brand’s website, which not only increases its visibility, but also attracts traffic to the business website.

One of the tools that facilitates the journey of SMEs on TikTok is the knowledge center for SMEs, a platform that offers companies effective and simple advice to help them attract new customers and retain current ones in their key markets, and that was designed to allow all companies to start activating on the platform thanks to these resources that guide them in their journey on TikTok.

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