Tips to protect the mental health of employees

According to the World Health Organization, 15% of working-age adults have a mental disorder and, every day, twelve billion work days are lost due to depression and anxiety. Thus, poor mental health is an issue that cannot be overlooked within organizations. In this sense, the experts from International SOS, a world leader in the protection and care of human capital in international settings, underline the importance of organizations recognize the impact this can have on their employees and take steps to protect and promote the mental health of your workforce.

«After the Christmas holidays, it is normal for many to feel a little down at this time of year and have difficulties adjusting to going back to work. Some may have experienced family and financial pressures over the festive period, as households have to cope with increased electricity bills, mortgages and inflation«, explains Dr. Rodrigo Rodríguez-Fernández, International SOS Global Health, Well-being and Mental Health Advisor.

Work can be a protective element of mental health, but it can also contribute to making it worse. Without effective support from employers, mental health issues can affect employees’ ability to work productively and increase absenteeism. In this way, a work culture that focuses on the prevention of mental illness and encourages self-care is invaluable to employees.

Santiago Alvarez de ToledoCountry Manager of International SOS for Spain and Portugal, comments: «Organizations now recognize the growing need to focus on mental health. The creation of working conditions in which each employee can improve their skills to improve their mental well-being and the implementation of initiatives to prevent mental illness are essential. However, employers should be aware that employees are often reluctant to discuss their mental health issues with their peers and bosses. To counteract this situation, it is important that companies offer a series of personalized solutions that respond to the different needs and expectations of each employee. Mental health and wellbeing support, such as short-term one-on-one counselling, wellness days at work, 24/7 wellness hotlines and awareness training stress, they are very valuable to employees.”

To help organizations support the mental health of their employees, during what can be a difficult time for some, International SOS shares below Some tips from your experts:

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  1. Create a culture that is emotionally open and encourages open communication: companies should create a safe space for employees to discuss their mental health and well-being, encouraging them to speak up if they feel overwhelmed or struggling.
  2. Promote self-care: provide resources on self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, and stress management techniques. Allow and encourage employees to take regular breaks within the workday to get fresh air and stretch.
  3. Provide flexibility: in terms of work hours and location to help employees balance their work and personal lives based on individual needs.
  4. Making sure employees know they are not alone: encourage them to make use of any available mental health resources and supports, such as counseling or employee assistance programs.
  5. Train team leaders in wellness or mental health first aid: so they know how to recognize the signs of mental health problems and how to help employees who may be struggling.
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