To play! Challenge your friends with your Apple Watch

The Apple Watch It is the ideal device to keep you fit and in good health due to native and third-party applications that seek to improve your physical condition. In addition to being able to improve our physical records, you can also customize training metrics and share them with your friends. Throughout this post we are going to see how to customize and share our activity rings.

The training app It allows us to offer very interesting metrics of our training session, such as heart rate, distance traveled, if it is part of our common rhythm. These metrics vary depending on the type of training we do, so they can be configured so that the ones that interest us the most are shown.

The training app, what would we do without it?

From our Apple Watch and the training app you can get a variable information depending on the metric and type of training you choose. On the one hand, you can get a single Type metric analyzeswhere all the information is reduced to a digital crown, while, if we have multiple metrics, much more complete information appears with up to five values. Here are the six steps you can take when customizing your training values.

  1. We open the Watch app on our iPhone. Remember that the Apple Watch and the iPhone have to be on the same version of the Operating System.
  2. You open the training app and look for the training that best suits you or you want to practice.
  3. Click on
  4. If we just want to modify the metrics we touch the little pencil next to Free, otherwise we look for the training according to distance, time, target pace, kilocalories or custom and touch the little pencil.
  5. We enter “Training views”
  6. Tap on add the metric to your training view. You can also press the “edit” button next to the metric to remove any of these.

Share, invite and accept a training invitation

Once we have completed the training, the Apple Watch allows share our activity circles with friends and family with the aim of motivating each other and improving our training marks. The process consists of Two phases: the invitation to share the training and that the sender accepts it.

How to invite friends and accept the invitation

The process to share and invite friends is extremely simple, however, before being able to share the spheres it is necessary that register that you both want to share your data for privacy and security issues. The steps are the following:

  1. Open the Activity app on the Apple Watch.
  2. Swipe left and turn the Digital Crown to scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  3. To add a friend, tap “Invite a Friend” and tap a friend.

Once the invitation is accepted, both friends will be able to each other’s activity. If a friend doesn’t accept your invitation, tap “re-invite”, since it is possible that you have made an error when pressing or a bug in the sending that the invitation has not reached the user. Also, you can add a friend, from the Fitness app on iPhone, tap Share, tap and then touch to send an email invitation. Lastly, you can also stop sharing activity in three ways: silencing notifications, hiding our progress or removing our friend.

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