The objective is always to prevent that phone number be available to anyone. They could use it to launch spam SMS campaigns, but also for calls or computer attacks of all kinds. Even attacks in which they request a duplicate of your SIM and access the double authentication codes.
Protect your number
But what can you do to protect your mobile number and prevent it from getting into the wrong hands? Simply by taking into account some basic aspects, you will achieve important protection. We are going to tell you what is essential that you should always check and thus avoid problems that could affect you.
Be careful when registering
Something essential is to be careful when registering on web pages or any online service. There they may ask you for certain information and it will not always be protected. For example, don’t put your phone number on a website you can’t trust. It could be a scam in which they only want to steal your data.
If you need to register somewhere and give your number, make sure it is reliable. Find out about how they process data and do not accept things like receiving advertising or that they may sell your data to third parties. These are the errors that can later flood your phone with SMS spam or advertising calls.
Check what you install
Of course, you should also look very carefully at what you are installing. If you are going to install a application, make sure it is reliable. You should always download them from official sources, such as the pages of these programs or use reliable application stores, such as Google Play. There they will go through a filter, so it is less likely that it is a scam.
Also, be careful with the permissions you grant. Be careful with installing a program and giving permissions that you don’t really need. It could be collecting personal information of all kinds and that includes your phone number too. Always make sure to review all this very well and not fall into the trap.
Do not interact with dangerous messages
Have you received any Dangerous SMS or do you suspect it could be? Never click on links and never interact. For example, they might tell you to send some personal information or to answer something they ask you. This is actually a strategy to confirm that there is an active user behind that number and find out more about you.
It is best to directly delete those messages that may be problematic. This will help you reduce the risk and not give more information than you need. Always avoid sharing information with third parties, through messages, emails or any other means, if you do not really know who is behind it.
Therefore, with these tips you can make your phone number is protected. The goal is always to prevent them from sending you junk or dangerous messages, so you can preserve your privacy. It is also essential to detect if they are spying on you with your cell phone, to take action as soon as possible.