
Using Facebook will now be more private

Facebook will stop recording location

The personal data that we expose on the network are very varied. We not only talk about our name and surnames, but we can also expose the email address, the telephone number or the Location. Precisely the latter is what Facebook is going to stop registering, something that will help improve privacy.

The change will arrive in a matter of days, since on May 31 the social network stop recording location data. However, you will have to wait until August 1 for it to completely delete the stored location history. Keep in mind that it is not the first measure of this type that Facebook takes, since a few months ago it stopped using facial recognition and deleted the data.

There are many users who do not trust this type of information that Facebook or any social network can store. We are not only talking about this service being able to use it against us, but also that a third party could access that data if there is any leak or vulnerability.

Logically, the fact that they stop recording the location can also affect some services of the social network. For example not showing nearby friends or weather alerts. It is the balance that we always have between usability and privacy, since many online tools are going to need certain data in order to function correctly.

Privacy, highly valued by users

In recent times, privacy has gained even greater weight. We have seen some data breaches that have affected both Facebook and many other online platforms. This makes users want to keep their data protected at all times and not expose more information than necessary.

Currently you can set location on facebook. You can go to the top right menu, enter Settings, Privacy and go to Location. There you can turn location history off or on. It is something that will help improve privacy and prevent your data from leaking.

Facebook location history

So if you use Facebook and you’re concerned about your privacy, your personal data will soon be more secure. At least the location will no longer be registered on the social network and a third party will not be able to access it in the event that a vulnerability arises or even the platform itself decides to sell that information.

There are many privacy issues on social networks, so it is always a good idea to take precautions. The objective is to prevent personal data from leaking and complications from arising that affect us when using this type of online service.

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