Microsoft’s AI is in denial. According to her, Windows 11 would not exist despite the massive system leak that occurred a few days ago. An AI failure that sheds light on Microsoft’s strategy with Windows.
On June 15, 2021, a preview of Windows 11 was leaked to the Internet. Microsoft’s new operating system is full of small cosmetic tweaks and practical improvements. But despite this major leak of this new OS which should be presented on June 24, some are walled in denial, refuting the very existence of this operating system. Or rather some, since it is Cortana, the artificial intelligence of Microsoft, who affirms ” that there will be no Windows 11 “.
hey Cortana, is Windows 11 real?
– Tom Warren (@tomwarren) June 16, 2021
The blunder was noticed by Tom Warren, a reporter for The Verge, who observed that when the question was asked ” is Windows 11 real? To Microsoft’s AI, the latter replied in the negative. More exactly, Cortana explains that “ according to, there will be no Windows 11. Cortana’s unwavering confidence on the subject is all the more ironic since the question is asked via a machine running Windows 11. Note that we tried to ask Cortana the same question in France, but it only works. with the English version.
But then why is Microsoft’s virtual brain so sure of itself? This is because Cortana will look for her answer on the Microsoft forums or a particularly well referenced post says ” that there will be no Windows 11 “, Because with Windows 10, Windows has become a” service “. And since this little sentence is hosted on Microsoft’s site, it lends it an allure of serious info.
But in reality, Cortana’s mistake isn’t really one.
“The latest version of Windows”
In 2015, a person in charge of Windows affirmed that “Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows” and that one should therefore probably not wait for a possible Windows 11. Yet Windows 11 is indeed there. So what happened?
This little quote which quickly made the rounds of the web is in fact an abuse of language on the part of its author. In 2015, during the official deployment of Windows 10, Microsoft took a tactical turn which consists of no longer releasing a major new Windows version every 4 – 5 years, but of deploying important updates on a regular basis on all machines equipped with its OS. A bit like what Apple does with macOS. Windows is no longer a product to buy, but an ecosystem that is constantly evolving. In short, a “service”.
It is to evoke this idea that the person in charge of Microsoft qualified Windows 10 of ” latest version of windows “. If some rumors have suddenly maintained the possibility that Windows will never change name again, Microsoft has obviously judged its next version important enough to deserve a new name.