Why is Facebook Hiring Hackers?

Any company on the Internet, service or platform that needs to manage customer data, will need to preserve security at all times. In this article we echo how Facebook is hiring hackers precisely to improve safety and learn more about possible problems that may arise. It is a strategy that is not only carried out by this organization, but is increasingly present in others.

Hackers to detect security flaws

The word hacker many times it has negative connotations. Many users associate it with hackers looking to steal passwords or attack in some way. However, the reality is that it is a term that refers to a person with computer knowledge who can detect failures and analyze possible problems in a system or network.

This is exactly what Facebook, now known as Meta, is looking for. You are increasing your bug bounty program and looking for hackers who find bugs that can extract user information and compromise privacy. Especially what is known as Scraping, which consists of stealing public and private data from users.

In this way, the objective of the popular social network is to pay hackers who detect vulnerable databases or any errors that can track users and put privacy at risk. As they indicate, their objective is to detect any problem as soon as possible and provide a solution immediately.

This measure is no coincidence, as it is part of the company’s efforts to clean up its image after the scandal of Cambridge Analytica, which resulted in the data leaking of millions of Facebook users. The image of the brand was touched and since then they have carried out a series of improvements and changes to avoid similar problems.

Facebook is not an isolated case

It must be borne in mind that the case of Facebook It is not unique, since more and more companies and online services hire hackers to improve security and privacy. These types of computer security professionals can help detect vulnerabilities that may be present before a real attacker can exploit it.

This way developers can launch patches to fix a bug in an application, for example. They can also encrypt a database that has been exposed or solve any problem that ultimately puts the security of users at risk. There are many databases for hackers on the Internet where detected errors appear.

Any mistake that compromises the privacy of customers can leave the image of an online platform in a bad place. We have seen the case of Facebook, but it is something that can happen on any Internet page or any program. For this reason, more and more managers are working to find a way to detect faults and hackers are very useful for this.

In short, once again the importance of hackers when it comes to detecting computer security problems is demonstrated. In this case, it is Facebook themselves who hire this type of person to make their services more secure.

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