
Why it is now more dangerous to buy or pay online

Buy online It is something very common, which has led to the appearance of many platforms where we can acquire products of all kinds. However, this also has a certain risk for computer security, especially if we do not take measures. Hackers know that. In fact, as you will see in this article, attacks have increased a lot. But why does this happen? We are going to talk about the reasons and also what you should do to protect yourself.

Attacks on online commerce skyrocket

In the last year, attacks on Internet purchases have increased notably. It is something that we have been seeing over the months, but now it is confirmed by a study carried out by Sift. Indicate that These types of attacks have increased. 70%. In addition, they ensure that the attacks are more sophisticated and automated.

This especially affects the online payments. Frauds related to economic transactions appear. If you wonder what the main reason is, it is undoubtedly the increase by users in the use of services of this type. It should be mentioned that online payments, as indicated by Sift, grew no less than 121%.

Hackers often set their sights on what has the most users or is used the most, as this is where they can achieve the most success. This report indicates that the increase in fraud of this type affected payment service providers and cryptocurrency platforms.

Precisely the latter, cryptocurrency platforms, is another reason why cybercriminals set their sights on online trading. There are more and more services that allow you to pay with digital currencies, in addition to all the platforms we have to buy or sell Bitcoins and many other cryptocurrencies.

But if there is something that has pushed this increase in attacks on online purchases and payments, it is the big rise in e-commerce. In recent years we have seen how online sales have skyrocketed in many sectors. In part, this large increase has occurred due to the pandemic, since we spend more time at home, restrictions on the opening of establishments, etc. Therefore, today we can say that it is more dangerous to buy online. Of course, logically you can avoid any type of problem and be protected.

Tips for buying online safely

The first thing you should do is avoid making mistakes. The common sense It is essential to avoid attacks in online commerce. You should never access through suspicious services, links that may be dangerous, programs that are not official… Nor should you make payments when you are on a public network that may not be secure. You should see if a website is reliable to buy.

Another very important point is to always have security programs. It is essential to have a good antivirus, such as Windows’ own or any other, that prevents the entry of viruses and threats of all kinds. This will help you buy or pay online more securely.

It is also essential that you have updated the system with the latest versions. This way you can correct possible vulnerabilities that appear and that a hacker does not take advantage of a specific flaw to steal your data or sneak some type of malware with which to interfere with your payments.

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