Windows antivirus blocks the program to download torrents

On our PC we have a good number of applications installed that we generally download from the official websites of their developers. For downloading the popular files in format torrentas a general rule we use one of the many official clients available, such as Transmission.

The developers of these programs that we are talking about make their projects available to us, often completely free of charge, so that we can download and install them. At the same time we have a good amount of software for Open Source available on the Internet, something that many appreciate. However, we must be careful with the software we install on our computer, since it is not always as reliable as we would like.

Sometimes it is directly about malicious software that is responsible for infecting our computer and its operating system. From there it extends through it to try to get hold of all kinds of personal data that we have saved. This is something that the antivirus that we have installed on the computer should detect immediately, at least that’s what the theory says. We can also find certain software titles that include some type of suspicious code inside. This means that when trying to download and install it on our computer, the antivirus alerts us.

But that’s not all, since on some occasions we can also find some false positives, which are more a security software error than anything else. Whatever the situation we find ourselves in, we should be careful and take certain precautions, as is the case at hand now with Transmission.

Windows Defender marks Transmission as a virus

When talking about this program, we are actually referring to what for many is the best client for downloading files in torrent format. It is an open source proposal that has been used around the globe for decades for this type of task with P2P networks. However, it seems that the most recent version released, Transmission 4.01, is being flagged as a malicious application on many Windows-based computers.

This is something that, as we see, detects Windows Defender, so it blocks the use of the program to download torrents. Of course, it is most likely that it is a false positive carried out by the aforementioned antivirus of the Microsoft system, although the best thing we can do is make sure. This is something that we can also achieve through the VirusTotal online application that is responsible for analyzing the file that we upload to the platform with multiple security solutions.

By carrying out this test that we are talking about, we can see first-hand that the only antivirus that detects the executable of Transmission as malicious, it is Windows Defender. Hence, we can stay a little calmer and continue using this client to download Torrents on a regular basis, since it should be a false positive.

In fact, this is something that we have already seen on other occasions in the past with other Torrent clients. For example, it has happened on several occasions with the popular uTorrent which I’m sure many of you know.

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