Windows antivirus does not protect you as much as you think

Having a good antivirus is essential to prevent viruses from entering, detect malware that arrives by mail and other threats. However, sometimes we are less protected than we think. This makes it necessary to avoid risks and always maintain common sense. Today we echo a report that shows how Microsoft Defender works, the windows antivirusfacing some threats that are very present.

Windows antivirus has problems against Phishing

We can say that the phishing It is one of the biggest dangers when browsing the Internet. It usually consists of an email that we receive and that contains malicious files or false links to pages where they are going to steal our passwords. Although they can also arrive through social networks or programs such as WhatsApp, the most used is e-mail.

Security measures do not always protect us from this problem. That is the case of microsoft defender. According to a report that has just been released, Windows antivirus does not detect 18.8% of Phishing attempts. It practically means that one in five will jump this protection. But it is even more serious if we compare it with the previous report, from 2020, in which only 10.8% of these malicious emails arrived.

In addition, if we continue with the protection of Microsoft Defender in email, 7% of all Phishing emails detected are sent to the Spam folder. This means that the victim may still end up opening it and clicking where they shouldn’t. One way or another, the risk will continue and other measures need to be taken. There are multiple types of Phishing.

An antivirus does not work miracles

You must bear in mind that, beyond statistical data such as Microsoft Defender and Phishing, an antivirus does not perform miracles. By this we mean that even if you have the best possible security software, you can still fall victim to different threats that can compromise your data.

An example of what we say is if you enter a fake page, with a login form which is actually fraudulent. Antiviruses usually won’t detect where you’re putting your password, so they could steal your Facebook or email account if you make mistakes and don’t realize the danger.

It’s also not going to help much if we have any system vulnerability. Sometimes Windows or the operating system we use can have bugs. That can cause hackers to launch attacks and exploit those vulnerabilities. An antivirus is not enough to avoid these problems.

Therefore, you are going to have to improve your security beyond having a good antivirus. It is essential that you have the system updated with the latest versions. This will help you avoid many problems. But common sense will also be essential and not fall into the trap. For example, do not log in to pages that may be fraudulent.

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