Sometimes, just with small adjustments you can achieve interesting savings. In this case, simply by turning off some devices correctly you can see that electricity consumption decreases significantly and you will be able to pay less each month. He phantom consumption It can represent an important part of the total expense.
Turn off these devices
We are going to base ourselves on data provided by Endesa, where they make approximate calculations of how much you could save if you turn off these devices and prevent them from always being on Stand By. Keep in mind that not all models are the same. For example, a television can cost more or less depending on whether it is old or modern.
A good example of phantom consumption or Stand By is television. It is quite visible, since we can see the Red LED on. We leave the television on standby, even if we are not watching it, so we can turn it on at any time with the remote. Consume little, but the sum of day after day can be important.
According to Endesa, completely turning off the television when we are not using it can save us around €9, if it is a model that consumes more, or about €3-4, if it is a more optimized television. Whatever model you use, you will be able to save a few euros that you can add to the rest of the devices.
TV decoder
The following example is a TV decoder. However, here we can name many other devices such as a game console, speakers, players, etc. They will have a similar consumption, as long as you always have them connected, even if you are not really using them at that moment.
The consumption, in this case, will be between €7 and €10. In addition, by completely disconnecting them you will extend the useful life of the devices. You will be able to prevent them from always being connected, with the wear and tear that this entails.
It is not the best idea to always have a computer connected to the power, but it happens. Of course, if it’s a laptop that you always have plugged in with the battery on, it’s a terrible idea. You will be constantly straining that battery and it will last much less. Don’t do it and always unplug the device.
But, if we talk about consumption, you will also be spending a few more euros per year. Simply have the computer plugged in, even if you don’t have it turned on, it can make you pay about €6 a year. We are talking about €0.50 per month, which although it is not much, it is an extra amount that will add up to the rest.
The microwave is one of the appliances that you can always have on in the kitchen, even if you don’t use it. You can see the clock on, For example. That will cause it to consume electricity. According to Endesa estimates, this could mean another €6 annually, approximately. It will depend on the exact model.
To avoid this expense, it is as simple as completely disconnecting it from the electricity when you are not going to use it. This will allow you to save those €6 per year, in addition to preventing it from deteriorating due to always being on Stand By.
As you can see, you can save money every year simply by completely turn off these devices that we have shown. Logically, these are just a few examples. In your home you may have many more devices that you keep on, even if you are not really using them. You can turn off all of them and lower your electricity bill. If you use home automation, you may be interested in having a Mesh system to improve coverage.