11 reasons that can lead to Windows 11 failure

Windows 11 will be “free”

The first thing that came to mind when Microsoft introduced its new operating system was how much will the update cost us? The truth is that in this sense the company behaved and ensured that users could upgrade for free from Windows 10 to Windows 11 without having to go through the box again. But there is a fine print in this.

As with Windows 10, upgrading to Windows 11 will only be free for the first year. Just when the system is most unstable. From 2022, if we have not updated already, we will have to checkout. And there are many users who will want to continue using Windows 10 until the end of support, in 2025, losing the ability to upgrade without paying.

Interface changes: people don’t like it

It is true that Windows was crying out for changes in the Windows 10 interface. But what users were asking was to return to the Aero appearance of Windows 7, not to a strange hybrid mix between 7, 8 and 10 as Windows 11 brings us .

The interface has changed in every way. From the taskbar, which is now much more limited (we cannot move it from place to place, nor drag icons to it) in functions until the icons centered on it. The start menu It has also changed, being a much more minimalist menu (as we could already see in Windows 10X) and moving much further away from what was the classic Windows 7 menu.

Unnecessary functions and features

Such a big renovation of Windows involves bringing new functions and features. However, there are many unnecessary things within the operating system. Without going any further, we have a new panel of widgets, similar to that of “News and Interests” that many of us will not like.

Microsoft Teams It is fine for those who use this program, however, is it really a function that we have to use yes or yes? New Teams chats will be on the taskbar by default, whether we like it or not. We understand that Microsoft wants to stand up to WhatsApp, but forcing users to have a program on their PC is not the best way to do it.

The Windows subsystem for Linux was a great first… for developers. But is the new Windows subsystem for Android? In addition to being limited to applications from the Amazon App Store, and not having access to Google Play Services, this feature will be exclusive to computers with latest generation Intel CPUs. Again, betting on “planned obsolescence.”

The telemetry, of course, it is another great handicap of this new system. If we were already complaining about the data that Windows 10 collected, with the new 11 we can put our hands in our heads.

Windows 11 = “Scheduled obsolescence”

Is there really a need for a new Windows? The truth is that Windows 10 is already 6 years old, but it has been evolving every year with the updates and new versions that have been published. The Windows 10 we have now has nothing to do with the Windows 10 that came out in 2015. And, probably, the changes to Windows 11 could have come as one more update.

The new Windows is going to be much more restrictive, and it is going to make many computers, which today still work well, become obsolete. The first thing is for the increased requirements. Microsoft’s new OS requires much superior hardware than other versions (more CPU, more RAM, etc.), making it impossible to install it on relatively old computers. In addition, the TPM requirement is going to put a lot of newer, but lower-end computers out of support for this OS. A measure that, really, is totally unnecessary.

The usual problem: updates

Windows 11 is going to have to deal with a great rival: Windows 10. For obvious reasons, companies are not going to update their systemsat least in the early years. With the money they have invested in preparing infrastructures for Windows 10, now they will not do the same with Windows 11 again.

In addition, Windows 11 will follow the same model of rolling release updates than Windows 10although it will only receive one update per year. In other words, every 12 months we will have to run the risk that, by updating the PC, we may lose everything.

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